A calm day

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Beyoncé 'slim' Knowles-Carter

As I opened my eyes the sun light was spread throughout the whole room. I noticed that Shawn wasn't in the bed so I turned onto my side and checked my messages. Nothing really important just updates on the studio and things like that. Right when I was about to turn my phone off Shawn texted me.

MyBaby😍: Good morning beautiful. I decided to take the girls out for a little fun today. 

I finally decided to get up and start my day. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I threw my hair into a messy bun and dropped my clothes so I could get into the shower. As I stood in the shower the hot water hitting my back I couldn't help but think about Shawn.

For a while I thought Shawn was cheating on me but after last night I know he isn't. After about a twenty minute shower I finally got out and put on my bath robe. I did my hair into a side parted bun. I decided to dress very casual for a just put on some grey sweat pants and a black space cadet shirt. I put on my ankle bracelet and my chains with some gold hoops. I checked my outfit one more time before I finally went downstairs.

Once I made it downstairs it was people everywhere as usual.

"Beyoncé where you going? Got yo hair done and everything." Miguel asked pushing past me to go to the refrigerator. "To mind my business fool!" I threw a apple at him, I was hoping for it to hit him but he caught it.

"Beyoncé quit throwing stuff I'm my damn house!" Momma yelled. She was just walking into the living room.

"Beyoncé can you take Julez to the park? I would but I need to do something today." She was giving me the puppy eyes.

"Why can't you ask Koshi, or Miguel, or James?" I asked looking at all four of my siblings doing absolutely nothing. "Because your already all dressed up. Plus they would say no." Solange said shrugging not breaking her eyes from the tv.

"Whatever. I'll take my baby to the park" I said before I grabbed a apple and a banana. Then I grabbed Julez diaper bag.

"I'll be back later" I said before I grabbed my keys and left out of the house. I didn't bother to get his car seat because he could just use Ivory's for the day. As I made my way to the park I made a quick detour to go to Starbucks.

I grabbed Julez and fixed him on my hip. I locked my car doors then I made my way inside. All I wanted was a lemonade and I was going to get a sugar cookie for my snack at the park.

It wasn't a line so I walked straight to the counter and ordered then within a couple seconds a girl named Kayla was calling my name.

"Thank you have a great day." I took my things and with that I left. I put my things down putting Julez back into the car seat. Once I was settled I drove us to the park that me and my siblings used to go to when we were kids. Surprisingly there were some people near on a Monday at 3:20 pm.

I set out a blanket in the grass before I set Julez down along with the diaper bag. We were just relaxing when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around only to be met with the a sweaty Nicki.

"Hey Slim. What you doing at the park?" I couldn't help but look at the way her toned stomach contracted while she caught her breath. "Just spending time with Julez. What you doing all sweaty?" I laughed trying to keep the conversation going. "Just doing my three miles. I stopped at the park because I like to smell the flowers around here. It's a nice place to relax." She said looking around.

"You could hang out here with me and JuJu." I said immediately regretting it. What if she says no. I'll look like a fool for asking her.

"Yeah sure. I don't have anything to do" she sat down on the blanket with us before putting her hair into a ponytail.

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