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Beyoncé 'slim' Knowles-Carter

We finally made it to the mall and I was all over Kelly and Michelle as usual. When we were kids I was the clingy friend of the group.

"Kelly can I get on your back?" I asked practically already on her back by how close we were walking with each other.

"Beyoncé how is it that you still act the same as when we were 15" I couldn't help but laugh because me, kelly, and chelle did act the same through all the years. "Yeah whatever Bey. Hurry up before I change my mind" with that it only took me a half a second to hop on her back.

"Big head don't drop me!" I yelled holding on to her shoulders. "It wouldn't matter! You got all that ass to break your fall!" Michelle laughed smacking my butt hard as heck. I can't stand these hoes. After we all stayed at the mall for a while I bought some new clothes, A couple things for Shawn and the kids, and some new undergarments.

"Girl judging by all the underwear you buying you and Shawn boutta have a eventful stay back home." Nicki said snooping through my bags. "Girl get yo life don't worry bout what imma be wearing for my man" I snatched the bag as we all made out way back to the Michelle's Honda.

On the drive home we all kept conversation and talked about our lives but I could tell something about Nicki was off. Her and Rihanna were cuddled up but Nicki seemed alittle mad.

Once we made it back home I hurried to my room to take a shower and change so Shawn wouldn't be down my neck. Once I changed I put a pair of my sweatpants on with the matching shirts. Once I made it downstairs Shawn and Kennie were playing 2k as usual.

"Miguel what are you doing to my baby!" I watched as he held Blue by her ankles. I honestly didn't even feel like putting up a fight so I just grabbed Ivory from her high chair and made my way back upstairs to feed her. Once I made it up stairs I closed my door so no one would make it in.

I wasn't in the mood to talk and my feet were tired. I undressed Ivory and changed her diaper then we both laid down in the bed. I rocked Ivory before I started to breastfeed her. As she ate I just watched her and took in every little detail of my baby. Once she finally went to sleep I laid her down by me before I decided to let myself go to sleep with her.

2 hours later

Shawn Carter

"Yess baby once I come back from Beyoncé's family vacation I'll be over to see you and Shawn Jr." I told my girlfriend Victoria for what seemed like the 17th time today.

"Yeah whatever Shawn. Your son misses you and I do too." With that she hung up in my face. I tried to keep my patience with Victoria because she's seven months pregnant with my child but she's really testing me.

I know what y'all are thinking. I didn't mean to cheat on bey. After all beyonce holds my heart and she always will but one night I went to a bar then 10 drinks and two weeks later Victoria called me and told me she was having my baby. As time went on I had grew feelings for Victoria. I haven't told Beyoncé about Victoria or my one year old son. I couldn't lose Beyonce not after how far we've come with each other.

I made me way through the hectic house upstairs to see Beyoncé and Ivory sleeping. I loved my family deeply and I would never do anything to make them feel any different.

"Baby you wanna go out tonight. I have something really special planned" I whispered playing in her curly hair. As I played in her hair her eyes slowly opened and I seen the woman I fell in love with so long ago.

"Baby do you wanna go out today?" I whispered looking deep into her eyes. "Yeah baby. Where did you have in mind?" She was just so beautiful. "It's a surprise baby. The kids are gonna stay here so it's just me and you" I stood up to grab use some clothes. I got myself a suit and I picked out for her a all black tight dress. Usually I don't let her wear this outside but today I'm feeling generous.

She had got up and made her way into the bathroom to probably start getting ready. "Baby can I get in the shower with you?" I asked wrapping my arms around her small waist. "Yeah baby. I'm excited this is going to be a me and you day." I heard as she started the shower, I smiled knowing that no matter how many wrongs I do at least I still have my baby.

The shower started off as me just washing her back and helping her while she washed my back and washed my hair. I started to get touchy with her and of course she didn't stop me. I think we all know what happened next.

Beyoncé 'slim' Knowles-Carter

Me and Shawn had got out of the shower and I started to lotion myself up. Shawn had already had his suit on and his shoes. He said he was going to get me a present so he left about 5 minutes ago. I didn't have anything on but a pair of black underwear.

I loved Shawn so much that it hurt when we weren't together. I can't stand to be away from him but I just can't stand to keep excepting what he is putting me through. The girls were downstairs with my mom probably with Solange by now.

I love Shawn with everything in me but it's starting to take a toll on me. I give him whatever he wants a I supply to him his every desire. I learned to cook for him, clean for him, I gave him two children, I let him use me, hell I let him beat me but he always wants more.

I work my ass off, some days I go hungry because he says I'm fat and I need to stop. I don't have friends in New York because he doesn't want me too. I do everything for him but it's never enough. I'm just... I'm just getting tired of it all.

I put the dress he picked out on then I straightened my hair. I put on the ankle bracelet and my rings. Once I finished doing my makeup I went downstairs to see everyone of course in the living room and in the kitchen.
"Bey where you going all dressed up?" Everyone had eyes on me. "Well if you must know D. I'm going out with my man" I tried my best to smile putting on a act had become easy over the years.

I had sat waiting for Shawn for about five more minutes. Then I felt a hand being placed on my lower back. I turned around and there Shawn was with about 20 different shopping bags in his hands. "Thank you baby" I kissed him and he smiled and took the bags to my room. "Baby let's go so we don't be late to the place" we had walked out together and the drive was about 7 minutes. We pulled up to the fancy restaurant which was very good.

I love him

20 minutes later

We were at the lantern releasing. It was really fun. We stayed and ate some chocolate covered strawberries and the night was amazing.

Maybe I should just stay with him after all

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