Chapter 1 - The Beginning. Of the End.

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The feeling I'm trying to portray in this is like the feeling in the video above, but it's really hard to put into words. I'm just trying to get that feeling into this story. Also, this story is in currently being rewritten, so the next chapter and the following won't match up to this one, so if you're reading this new, then don't read on. If you already have read it, then read this chapter anyway. Anyways, Enjoy!

Hopelessness. We all feel it.








"Some of us feel it more than others."








That feeling when you know there is no hope you'll make it out, nobody will be there to save you. That all hope of achieving your goal, your dream...








Is gone.








The house was burning down, with a woman named Inko Midoriya in it. A Pro Hero called Endeavour was the cause, he was fighting a villain inside.

After a while, the chaos died down. Inko Midoriya was dead, but nobody seemed to care. Except for little Izuku Midoriya. He was Inko's son who dreamed of being a hero. Everyone forgot about him aswell.

Izuku was trying to get help, to help save his mother, but nobody cared. Nobody at all. He was all alone. And little Izuku Midoriya would be alone for a very long time. But then again, nobody cared. But that was humanities greatest mistake.

Years and years went by, and Izuku was homeless and starving, but he still dreamed of being a hero. So he trained and trained, though he didn't get enough food, he still managed to grow into a strong young man. Along with this, the middle school he attended was full of kids who made fun of, hurt and bullied him every day.

Every day, he walked up to the world's most prestigious high school for young heroes - UA High. He would just stare at it, and imagine himself walking down those hallways, people all around him, as the heroes of tomorrow. He imagined himself becoming the 1# hero, surpassing the current 1# hero Allmight and living a better life. These dreams - unknown to him - would never come true.

He knew he wanted to apply, but deep down, he knew he would never get in because he couldn't use his quirk. But there was still a year before he was of age to apply.

One day, Midoriya was taking a shortcut through a tunnel, when he heard a strange noise.

"You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in kid!!" 

Hopeless - A Villain Deku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now