Chapter 6. Complications

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A/N: Special thanks to:

FloofyCopy, you are my first and only constant reviewer! Very much appreciated, hun. Truly. <3 (Wattpad)

Sunflowerice Your feedback helps and sets fire to my writing spirit, so thanks! (Fanfiction)


"One of the nicest asses you could ever hope to meet."


Bakugou rose at first light in a similar position to the morning prior, much to his annoyance. He distinctly remembered putting considerable distance between them the night before. Yet there she was again, curled around him. Fortunately for her, he was more concerned about waking her up than he was getting angry at that moment, and he was quick to learn from his mistakes and avoid certain unfavourable situations. A half-asleep dragon using him as a push toy was one of them.

Careful not to wake the slumbering beast, the blonde set to work. He separated the skin from the deer, cooking and drying the meat before wrapping it back up in the skin. Next, he salvaged what he could of the rope net and used it to tie up the wrapped meat and fasten a makeshift water pouch.

"That should just about do it." Bakugou sighed before setting his sights on one of the larger trees. Before anything, he needed to figure out where on earth he was, and for that, he thought it best to gain a little altitude.

It looked like he was in luck—there was a smoke trail, though it was far. Bakugou was lucky; his eyesight was above average; otherwise, he doubted he would have had a chance of spotting that. Even better luck was that it seemed to be following the river, so he wouldn't have to worry about running out of water.

Bakugou heard movement before he was sent flailing as a sudden force sent him off the tree, only just managing to catch himself on one of the branches below.

"Are you trying to kill me, you shitty lizard!?" He yelled at the dragon perched above on the straining branch like some massively overgrown bird, "Tch."

Her mouth stretched slightly, and he could have sworn she was laughing at him.

'Damned reptile.'

Bakugou let go and dropped down onto his feet before kicking dirt onto the ebbing fire and slinging his makeshift sack over his back.

"Don't follow me." He called up to the still-perched dragon and set off in the direction of what he hoped was a village.

Despite his unwelcoming attitude, the dragon was still happily trotting behind him, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Broken trees and giant footprints weren't the worst part; the noise was ridiculous. Never in his twenty-two years had he ever met such a loud and ungraceful creature, and he was acquainted with a whole guild of loud and ungraceful creatures! He wouldn't be surprised if everything in the entirety of the forest knew where they were.

Whether he liked it or not, it would seem he now had a travelling companion, and Bakugou was leaning more towards the latter. At the very least, she had proven, despite her previous captivity, that she could fight and she could hunt, and despite being as ungraceful as a horde of rampaging elephants, she seemed to be more useful than he had initially thought.

Over the last few days, she had hunted for herself and for him and provided him warmth when the riverside became too thick with plant life to light a fire, despite his initial resistance. Some of what he learned was futile.

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