Chapter 11. Red Riot

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"I suck at apologies, so unfuck you, or whatever."


"Fucking perfect." Bakugou tore down what had to have been the tenth poster that morning and shoved it into his pocket along with the rest of the collection.

'Dragons walking among us' was the main topic of the rapidly spreading rumour. If he found out who was going around plastering the damn things everywhere, he was going to have words with them. In many words, most violent.

What caught his attention above all was what they were calling the whole ordeal: 'The Red Riot." He begrudgingly had to admit it was catchy and thought it suited her rather well. Luckily, the gospel didn't include great detail and merely described Kirishima as a figure with red hair; they could have been referring to Endeavor for all anyone knew. The man was a beast all right, but a dragon he was not.

They had made considerable progress over the last few days, with Bakugou having consented to take the aerial approach. There was nothing that compared to Kirishima's speed in flight, and lately, the blonde had begun to find it exhilarating.

Bakugou stopped in front of one of the stalls in passing, running lengths of cloth under his thumb. It wasn't bad quality for the price, and he had been meaning to clothe a certain streaking female.



"Eh?" Kirishima moved back slightly as a bundle was shoved in her face, looking up to see the blonde attached to it.

"Did you fry your brain too? Take the damn thing already!" Bakugou tossed the cloth bundle before marching off to start stripping Kirishima's daily catch.

The red-headed girl flailed to catch it, the surprise making her land on her behind. Feeling somewhat confused, Kirishima unwrapped the neatly wrapped cloth to find even more confusion. Lifting the brown pieces of cloth individually, she vaguely recognized what they were meant to be and with apprehension wondered if the blonde expected her to put them on.

Even the cloth she was wearing now was more than she preferred; honestly, humans and their need for extra skin However, this was something that the blonde had gotten with her specifically in mind, so the least she could do was give it a shot.

It was light, and it seemed pretty straightforward; how hard could it be?

She had seen Bakugou put these things on a few times now, though he seemed rather annoyed when she watched. So she had at least some idea.

Ten minutes later, the redhead stood at attention with her hands firmly on her hips; she felt rather self-satisfied. Though she hated to concede defeat to those annoying contraptions the blonde had called 'boots," she couldn't figure out the strings, so she left those off. She didn't imagine she would like them touching her feet anyway.

"Ne, Bakugou!" She stood proudly as the blonde returned soon after saying, "Ta-da!"


Kirishima cocked her head when Bakugou didn't say anything and stood still with an unfamiliar look on his face. She could have sworn she saw his eyebrow twitching. It must have been her imagination.

"How the shit did you screw that up?" Bakugou places the meat into the pot hanging over the fire he had erected earlier before marching up to her. "Tch, why am I surprised? Stay still."

"Hey, what do you mean? I thought it went well!" Kirishima puffed her cheeks up, her hands remaining on her waist.

"Were you aiming to put it on backwards?"

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