Chapter 13. Home

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"With you, I see with more than just my eyes."


For a moment, he wondered if he had stepped into the wrong building. Now that he knew why Round-face had run ahead of them earlier, tch, he should have expected her to go on the offensive.

Bakugou raised a fist into the air, and the hall burst to life with yells and shouts as the occupants mimicked his movement. Then, to his annoyance, the more familiar of the lot crowded into his personal space—well, close by his standards anyway.

"Bakugou! Where have you been?"

"Yay, you're alive!"

*french sounds*


and the list went on, with the blonde growing increasingly aggravated. Warily most backed up several paces to give him space when the blonde's palms began to crackle. A spectacled young man with neat dark hair approached when the opportunity presented itself.

"Must everyone insist on coming in here without the common decency to wipe their feet?" he paused. "Nevertheless, I believe I can speak for everyone here when I say we are glad to see your safe, if not late, return."

Kirishima felt a sweat drop form; he was an odd one. It wasn't just him. As she looked around, she noticed that the people around her came in all different shapes and sizes. From a towering man with extra limbs to a miniature with balls for hair

A lady with pink skin and horns and another with ears that extended into cords caught her attention as they came closer, followed by a raven-haired woman with a ponytail who looked rather normal compared to the rest of her company. She assumed there must be something about her that was different too if the pattern were to continue.

Aside from her bright red hair and her pointed teeth, you wouldn't think Kirishima was anything out of the ordinary, so she wondered how they would react if they found out what she was. For the first time, she wondered how others would see her. After all, they were Bakugou's friends, so she hopes that they can get along.

"Who might this be?" The raven-haired lady with the ponytail asked with a smile in her direction.

Kirishima scratched her cheek with her finger, "Erm-," and she glanced at Bakugou, seeing him give a slight nod, "I'm Kirishima!" The redhead pulled down her hood and gave those around her a big grin.


"C-cute," Kirishima looked up in surprise as the raven-haired woman rushed towards her and grasped her hands in front of her, "my name is Momo Yaoyorozu, but you can just call me Momo."

"R-right!"   Kirishima felt herself being caught up in the mood and couldn't shake the grin.

"I'm Mina!"   The pink lady waved her arms and then gestured to the one with the cord-like ears.

"Jiro."   She offered a small smile.

"Hey Hagakure, come meet Kirishima!" Mina ran forward to grab her arm and pull her along. Soon she found herself in front of...floating clothes. Were they alive?

"C-clothes are alive!" Kirishima looked down to her own and back up again; a laugh soon drew her attention.

"No, silly! I'm Toru Hagakure, and I am human; you just can't see me because my magic makes me invisible." Hagakure explained, and Kirishima saw the sleeve lift; perhaps she was scratching her head. It sounded like it anyway.

The redhead felt her nose twitch and stepped closer to the invisible girl; if she couldn't see her, then she would memorize her scent. The other females watched in curiosity as Kirishima approached Hagakure and began to...smell her?

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