Chapter 21. Ships in the Night

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"This isn't goodbye; it's see you later."


The redhead haunted the forest in her dragon form to ward off the painful chill that had set in with the change of season. She hadn't been able to bring herself to show her face since the battle, so she hid away in a small cave deep in the forest's protection and slept.

Kirishima didn't know how long she had been asleep, but when she awoke again, the earth outside was covered in a thick layer of ice. Shaking off the ache in her bones, she dragged herself out to hunt, and despite the scentless sheen that the ice provided, she was able to track down a boar. It wasn't nearly enough, but it would have to do for now. It was time she was on her way, and she wasn't willing to wait another moment.

She had had a lot of time to herself, and she had decided on a course of action. She had a lot to make up for, and she wasn't the type to let her debts remain unpaid.

Kirishima had decided to take back what was hers. She would recover every scale that had been stripped from her and offer it to the ones she loved instead. Knowing the worth of armour made from dragon scales, at the very least she could provide some form of offering.

After days of debate, Kirishima decided that she would visit the city one last time before she began her journey. She didn't know how long this chapter in her life would take, but she had to see him before she left.


It had somehow surprised him how empty his home had become, drained of all form of life in his eyes, and he wasn't daft enough to not know why. Damn it all to hell! How had things taken such a turn?

His left arm throbbed at the thought of the red-headed woman, and in turn, so did someplace deep in his chest. Where the hell was she? Without a doubt, he knew that she would blame herself for what had happened to his arm and perhaps for much more.

While it had been painful and had left deep red scars marring his skin, he was able to almost completely heal. Though he was quick to discover that the scars ached tightly in cold weather, Damn, look at him sounding like some old windbag.

A sudden knock at his door had him on his feet and crossing the room in seconds. The broccoli-shaped man on the other side jumped three feet at the sudden movement as the door swung open quickly, his hand still raised.

Midoriya quickly put his arm down, turning slightly red and missing the flash of disappointment that crossed the blonde's depths.

"Sorry to disturb you! We were all just worried about you... " In truth, the other members had a vote, and he was the overruling choice among those traitors.

"Tch, don't." Bakugou glared and went to slam the door in his face, but the green-haired man put his hand up to stop him.

"Everyone has been talking about what to do about Kirishima." Midoriya knew he had gotten his attention, so he continued, "We were thinking about making a search party or putting up posters while out on jobs."

Bakugou huffed out a slight chuff; that was just as he had expected. They had been shaken at first, but their true nature always shone through. They were a good bunch, if not too good sometimes, but still good.

"Obviously," Bakugou replied, shutting the door.

This time, Midoriya didn't stop him; she just smiled.


Kirishima found herself standing in front of the place she had called home for the past few weeks, this time with a tightness in her chest like none before. She would see him, grab her clothes, and leave. She repeated this like a mantra as she climbed through the window.

A small whisp of panic ran through her as she barely caught the pot that she knocked off the shelf, placing it carefully on the floor. Spotting a familiar bundle resting on the wooden surface to her side, she made haste to slide the material on quickly, relishing in the warmth it provided. She didn't expect to ever miss clothes, of all things; she blamed the weather and this human form.

A slight movement and intake of breath drew her to the bedding, and she drew closer.

Kirishima observed the blonde's sleeping expression fondly, brushing her fingertips through his fringe and gently smoothing down the stray whisps. She would return to him, and this time she would be someone worthy of protecting him.

She had already decided that she was only here to say goodbye, but she didn't realise how hard it would be to just leave him like that.

Geez, why was she being so dramatic? This wasn't forever...

The hammock above swung softly with the wind she had let in, and she smiled. She had barely slept in that thing, opting for the warm body below, despite the blonde's displeasure. It had been fun waking up to his indignant expressions, but perhaps she should have tried to sleep in it at least once; maybe she wouldn't miss his warmth as much as she did when she slept if she had.

Kirishima fought with herself as she withdrew.

The flow of time had forced upon her many partings despite her young age, but this was by far one of the most difficult for her heart to bear. The deep aching she was oh so familiar with was hitting her early, and she had yet to even turn her back. Kirishima grasped at the cloth over her chest, the organ beneath beating as if it were trying to break free, and she knew that if she waited any longer, then her resolve would weaken.

It was time to go, and for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, she was all alone.


A/N: >.<

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