Chapter 8. Warning Bells

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A/N: This is a tad late. Sorry, been busy at work.


"Cursed or some shit."



"I said I was sorry; I didn't drop you on purpose!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" "This has nothing to do with that!"

"Then why can't I come?"

"Because you're naked!" The blonde hissed back.

"I am not; I have this brown thing."

"It's not the same as clothes!"

They had been at this since the village first came into view over an hour ago, and Bakugou was starting to lose his temper. He needed to get away from her before he blew her away.

"You are staying here."

"But!-" If looks could kill, Kirishima had a feeling she would have been six feet under already. She had lost this one: "Fine, but I get to come next time! Humans and their extra skins, what difference does it even make?" She mumbled the last part to herself.

"Tch. I'll be back later. Bakugou pushed her out of his path.



Kirishima groaned as she flopped back onto the grass as her grumpy partner disappeared over the hill towards the village they had stumbled across. Left behind again. Geez, what was the point of taking human form if she was made to stay put anyway?

No matter how much she dug her heels in, he wouldn't budge on the matter, and after the last time, he wouldn't fly with her anymore either. So she miscalculated slightly; in her defence, she wasn't that big before she got captured, and if she had gone any smaller, she wouldn't have been able to carry him on her back without straining.

Kirishima sighed She knew he would get over it eventually; she just had to behave and not make him even angrier. If she were honest with herself, she liked poking him; he was always so animated, and she found it unbelievably entertaining.

Kirishima frowned. It was too quiet now that he was gone; heh, it had been barely a week, and she already hated it when she was alone. She guessed she had gotten used to having him around rather quickly, but she didn't expect the loneliness she felt when he was gone now.

"Come back soon."



"Gah!" Kirishima sprung to her feet and looked over in the direction the blonde had disappeared as an idea popped into her head. He said she couldn't come to the village with him, but what if she went by herself? She would make sure not to be seen, and she would lay low.

Kirishima grinned, her sharp teeth shining as she tucked the brown cloth around herself and over her head and took off running.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Bakugou couldn't believe what he was seeing—not a scratch that he would be an idiot not to have seen this coming.

She had followed him to the very centre of a village of hunters. Naked. Not to mention sticking out like a sore thumb as she whipped her head back and forth in excitement.

She was going to get herself killed or worse if she was truly unlucky. Bakugou was just hoping to all hell that she hadn't spoken to anyone. Crossing the distance between them, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet.

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