Chapter 9.5 (extra)

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Bakugou hadn't strayed far from their camp, but even then, they were long gone by the time of his return. Initially, the blonde man assumed that Kirishima had taken off on one of her short hunting trips until he noticed the footprints. They were many, and they were fresh.

Nothing had been taken from their camp, so he had found it strange. His hunch was confirmed when he saw the cloak on the edge of the riverbank. Even when she was in her other form, she always made sure to lay it close to his belongings; never had it been left with such little care.

Perhaps he wasn't the easiest to get along with, but it could never be said that he didn't look out for his own, and that woman swore herself to him. He wasn't going to let her go that easily, despite his harsh words.

Bakugou adorned the cloth with a flick of the wrist before setting off in the direction of the tracks. For supposed master hunters, they didn't know the first thing about covering their landmarks.



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