Chapter 6: She Is Such A B Word!

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It was wedding day Winnie and Joe planned a small church wedding in two months. Winnie wore a rose gold off the shoulder dress as Carter gave her away. Winnie had lost her dad shortly after the divorce from James.

Nikki and Steve sat on the groom side. Nikki could see Bucky's girlfriend Sydney sitting with him. She sighed as she looked down Natasha nudged her.

"You okay?" She whispered

"Yeah." Nikki said

After the ceremony was over they all headed downstairs. They chose "Don't Close Your Eyes" by Keith Whitley as their first dance song.

The reception was going great their families were already well acquainted. So for them it was just like one big dinner party. Bucky and Sydney were dancing to every slow song.

By the 8th slow song Nikki had enough. Sydney was attached to him she even followed him to the bathroom. Nikki snuck out to find a empty room. She sat in the dark room on the floor as she cried.

Carter seen her leave he went to find her. He finally found her by her sobs.

"Nikki?" Carter said as he came in.

"Oh hey Carter.." she said as she wiped tears.

He sat down beside her "Whats the matter little darlin?" Carter said

"I like your brother.." she said

"Kannon?" He said

"No the other brother. The one that has a girlfriend permanently attached to his hip." She said

"Oh Nikki.." he said

"He and her had sex last night. I heard them. His room is across the hall. She kept screaming his name and he was moaning. Then when her mom came to get her they said I love you. I didnt think they had been together that long. But what do I know Im only 11 and half. I wont be 12 till September." She said

"Did you want to dance with him?" Carter said

"Yeah. But getting him alone long enough is impossible. Im ready to go home." She said as she wiped tears.

Carter hugged her from the side. "First Crushes always hurt the most Nikki. You will eventually get over the pain." Carter said

He helped her up and they went back to the reception.

Two weeks later..

It was the first day of middle school cheer camp. Nikki had her blonde hair in two french braids. Sydney was the JV cheer captain for the high school now that she was out of middle school.

JV cheer captains had to help with the incoming 6th graders. Just like Bucky was JV football captain and he had to help with the new football players. Winnie dropped off Bucky Kannon Becca and Nikki at the middle school.

Sydney was waiting for Bucky with her friends as well as his. They spent a good four hours with cheer conditioning and gymnastics.

Once the day was over Nikki was in the stall changing. When she heard Sydney's voice.

"You remember how I told you I think Steve's little sister has a crush on Bucky." Sydney said

"Yeah..which I still find gross" her friend Britney said

"She was the little blonde that was a flyer on the end." Sydney said

"Are you serious? She is a cheerleader." Britney said

"Yeah..I mean talk about stalker. She is probably a cheerleader cause he plays football." Sydney said

"Really. Its gross that is her family now she shouldnt be liking him like that." Britney said

Nikki was sitting in the floor crying quietly. Once she heard them leave she finally walked out. She turned in her practice gear and told the coach she wouldnt be back.

Luckily for her Bucky was riding home with Sydney. Winnie looked in the rear view mirror.

"Nikki do you want to talk about it?" Winnie said

"No..I just want to go home." She said as she wiped tears.

Carter was laying on the couch when they got home. He saw Nikki was upset again he followed her upstairs.

"Nikki what happened?" He said

""Stupid Sydney..she is such a B word!" She said as she started to tell him all about what happened.

Carter hugged her "shh it will be okay Nikki. She is a mean girl one day he will see that." He whispered.

They all sat down at the dinner table including Bucky. Joe said "So girls how was cheer camp?"

"I quit.." she said as she played with her mashed potatoes.

"Hadley?" Joe said

Winnie shook her head no with the look of dont push. That night he came up to her room to tell her good night.

"Hadley baby..are you okay?" He said

"Yeah..I will find something else." She said as she hugged him.

"Okay good night baby you." He said as he kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight daddy." She said as he left her room.

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