Chapter 13: You Didn't Like It

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It was a hot August Saturday. Everyone was at Fort Benning to see the boys graduate from Boot Camp. Even thought Nikki was back to blonde she had purple highlights.

She helped Natasha with Zoey at the hotel that morning. They all sat threw the long graduation ceremony. After it was over all the families were awaiting outside.

Bucky and Steve found theirs. There was a lot of dadas being said from Cooper and Zoey. They hugged their wives then the rest of the family. Bucky saw legs behind Joe as Steve hugged the person.

He went around Joe she had her head down so all she saw was his shoes. He lifted her chin "why didn't you answer my letters.." he whispered

"Cause I didnt open them." She said as she looked up at him with her big blue eyes.

"Nikki.." he said

"Lets go eat shall we. I made reservations at TGI Friday's" Winnie said

Bucky went back to Sydney he took Cooper. He was all smiles to be back with his girl. Nikki kept her head down.

"Joe I don't think it worked.." Winnie leaned in his ear.

He looked down to see her with her head rested on her elbow. She was blocking her view of them. Winnie whispered "James take it down a notch..I get you missed her. But think about who else is here."

Bucky looked down at Nikki. "Yes ma'am" he said

"Why should it matter? She is just being a baby cause she isnt getting her way." Sydney whispered but Natasha heard her.

Nat cut her a look.

The boys were allowed to come back to the hotel for a little bit. Steve drove him and Bucky to the hotel. Both of them dropped the babies with Winnie Joe and James.

After some sex with their wives they joined the rest of the family. Before he and Steve headed back to the base. He asked Joe where Nikki's room was.

Bucky knocked on her door she opened it up. "Why did you not open them Nikki?" He said as he came inside.

She sat down on her bed he sat beside her. "Nikki..Im truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I need you to get back to the Nikki you use to be. Not this one this isnt you. Get back to cheer and dance singing with the band. Cause they need you." He said as he made her look at him.

He used his thumb to wipe a tear that fell down her cheek. "Nikki..I know it hurts. But I need you to be okay" he said

She was biting her lip.

"Nikki say something..please.." he said as he kept her cheek cupped.

She leaned in and kissed him. "Mmm no Nikki no.." he said as he pushed her back.

She kissed him again as she held his cheeks. " darlin stop." He whispered as he looked at her.

She climbed on top of him and kissed him again. Bucky kept fighting as she moved down his neck.

"N-n Nikki please dont do this.." he whispered as he tried to push him off.

She started to figure out his shirt buttons. "Hadley Nicole.." he said as she kissed him and ran her hands up his under shirt.

She pulled her dress down as he kissed him. "Mmm no no Nikki stop!.." he said

"You didn't like it.." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Nikki I am married. I love Sydney I dont love you. Even if I wasn't married you are 15 and Im 19." He said

She looked down. "Its because I dont have boobs like her." She said as she got up and fixed her dress as she started to cry.

"Nikki its because of what I said" he said as he fixed his buttons.

She got up and slammed her bathroom door. She curled up in a ball in the corner. Bucky wiped his own tears this wasn't Nikki at all.

Sarah raised her to be modest his mom picked up where Sarah left off.

"Nikki come here.." he said through the door.

"Go away..I hate you." She said through tears.

"Nikki..please." he said

"Go away.." she said as she opened the door.

"Nikki.." he said

She opened her hotel room door. "Go..go be with your beautiful barbie wife."she said as she pushed him out and slammed the door in his face.

She slid down the door as she cried. Bucky swallowed hard as he left her there. He met Steve at the car..

"Everything okay?" Steve said

"Not really. But I guess it has to be." He said as he got in the car.

The next morning they all met up again. Nikki had her hair braided no make up and her glasses. She kept her head down didnt eat breakfast just sat there.

When it was time to go she asked to ride back with Natasha. Bucky tried to stop her but she just kept on walking to Nat's car.

When they got back to Savannah she asked her dad if she could talk to him.

"Daddy I did something stupid and out of character for me. Im sure mom is disappointed. I would very much like it if you would let me go stay with Aunt Chloe.." she said as she looked down.

"Hadley honey..what happened?" Joe said

"I tried to sleep with James but he didnt want me. So I would really like it if you let me go up there please?" She said

"Hadley..." Joe said

She looked down.

"Okay baby..I will let you go. If you feel that it is in your best interest. Besides Chloe is your mom's twin sister she might be just what you need right now." Joe said

"Thank you daddy.." she said as she hugged him.

Joe made a phone call to Chloe to let her know. Once he made that phone call he got her plane ticket. Nikki started packing her stuff once she did that.

She kissed a sleeping Zoey hugged Natasha and Winnie. Joe took her to the airport and watched her plane take off.

A week later the boys came home to get what they needed for their base houses. Bucky went upstairs he opened her door to see her room practically empty.

"Joe!" Bucky said

He came in behind him. "Where is she?" He said

"She left for NY a week ago..she felt that it was best that she go there. She told me what happened James.." Joe said

He swallowed hard.

Winnie came in "James she is alright..we talked to her this morning before she went to school."

He walked out. "You needed to keep her here. She doesnt need to be up there. She needs help she is depressed and the last time a person in this family was depressed. He ran off and got hooked on drugs he took off too!" Bucky said as he picked up Cooper and he left with Sydney.

Bucky kept an ear bud in his ear as he drove to Fort Jackson. He was scared to death that she was going to end up like Carter. And that thought scared him cause Carter has been missing since he was 17.

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