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I continue looking forward and fierce to make a good impression for the new members. We stop midway the hallway. Bloodhound sensed footsteps he's never seen around the corner and told me to stay where I am. As I waited, I heard a strange noise. It sounded distant but it was closer than I thought. The next thing I know, I'm feeling a pair of hands shield my eyes in surprise.

"Who am I," a male voice says.

I didn't know what to do at that moment. So I stood there with some strangers hands touching my face. I could've tried guessing but wouldn't make much of a difference. Besides, I really don't remember the peoples I've recently met here in the base, except Lifeline and Bloodhound. But the guy covering my eyes, I wouldn't know. Plus he's a guy, hearing from his sound of voice. I still haven't made friends with any guys here yet. The only guy here that I know is Bloodhound. Aaahh yeesss, Bloodhound. There goes my wild imagination again, hehe.

[Bloodhound] – "Ah there you are Octane," saying with relief.

Oh shit ( >.>)

[Octane] – "Hola amigo. I was just taking a sneak peak of this place and it lead me to these hallways," he says letting go of my face as I look to Bloodhound.

[Bloodhound] – "This is your new partner, Octane. He'll also be staying at your place as your new roommate. Make sure to show him the necessary requirements and resources that he'll need to become a legend."

"I shall show him everything he needs to know," saluting to Bloodhound.

"Sir, Isn't there another new member?"

[Bloodhound] – "Yes but she's been postponed, for now. You won't get to see her yet until further notice. So, for now you main focus is to take care of Octane. I must take my leave and I leave everything to you." He walks away in a slight hurry.

(Resisting temptation has decreased)

I turn over to face Octane, greeting him with a small handshake. "Well, shall we begin?" I walked him throughout the whole base of Apex showing and explaining him around where the airbase is at, the cafeteria, the maps and locations in the arena, everywhere. We reached toward the training area where Lifeline was waiting. She seemed to know the new player assuming that she was the one who made him the robotic legs, for cash though. Shooting practice was very easy. It seemed like he knew everything, better than me.

( T-T)

[Octane] – "Today was so awesome!" He shouted excitingly.

"Yes, it was very fun and I'm very grateful that you're my partner and part of this team." I said smiling at him showing him my gratitude.

I can't tell what emotions he's feeling from underneath his mask. I could only tell when he's so pumped up. I'll just image him smiling and blushing. I think I should start writing a fanfic between Bloodhound x Octane. I FEEL IT. We start walking through the hallways towards the last resort of today's adventure which is our compartment.

"This is our home where we'll be resting, sleeping, shower, eating or we can eat at the cafeteria with our friends." I said entering the passcode to the door, opening to a clean environmental living space.

[Octane] – "Wow, cool! This place is very awesome. Do you live here too?"

"Yes, I do but we might have to set rules cause of our genders," I said slightly laughing. I felt awkward.

[Octane] – "That was a silly question wasn't it? Haha, not to worry though amigo. I will follow the rules you put up."

"We'll come up with the rules tomorrow. I think we should start resting."

[Octane] – "Alrighty. Uhm, you can call me Octavio. What should I call you, aside from (nickname)?"

"You can call me (y/n)," I said smiling up at him since he's tall. Well, not tall but perfect height. "Follow me, I'll lead you to your room," I grabbed his hand. HOLD UP. I noticed I had no control to what I was doing and let go of his hand go immediately as I blush in embarrassment.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to grab your hand like that, it was my mistake," I hope Mars is a great planet to live in considering the situation I'm in right now. I feel like I'm about to explode my head open like in those airhead commercials.

[Octane] – "Haha, no panic amigo," he said calmly feeling his hand.

"When Lifeline used to be my roommate, she held my hand everywhere because I'd get lost about everything she explains to me since I'm still new but I've pretty much covered every procedure and entire place, mostly." I try to maintain my ladylike self and give him a smile as I show him to his room. He looks around at the room with interest.

[Octane] – "This is so cool! Grasias for everything today." He smiles and is pleased with the room.

"No problem. The room next to yours is mine if you need anything, just knock."

[Octane] – "Got it, gracias."

"Well, I'm going to head to bed now. So, goodnight Octavio," I said smiling, closing his door and head back to my room preparing for my hibernation again.

[Octane] – "Buenos noches, (y/n)." Facing back as the door shuts closed, he lies back onto his new bed, staring at the ceiling. He looks at the palm of his hand touching it slowly, waiting till he passes out and falls asleep.

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