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It was the middle of the night and I could not go back to sleep. I stood from my bed, putting on a large sweater and shorts. Never really liked wearing shoes so I went barefoot. I gently closed my door, not making a single peep since Octane was asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. Quietly, I tiptoed my way out from home and began my journey through the dark halls of Apex. As I strolled around, the cafeteria flew to my mind. I wouldn't say just for snacks but a snack would help me fall asleep again. With my stomach grumbling and the thought of food in my head, I continued my way till I heard a creepy sound like a hound lurking throughout the halls. I wanted to check it out but I was too frightened so I decided to skedaddle on my way out there to the cafeteria. I really didn't want to get nightmares if I fall asleep again. Anyways, no one was in the cafeteria at the moment. Nothing but the lights on. I began hearing that same sound coming closer. I hid behind a trash can hoping I wouldn't get caught by the demon. Footsteps begin approaching, echoing as it bounced off the walls. The sound grew closer and closer heading toward my direction until they stopped. I waited a bit for the coast to be clear. Dashing my way out of here back to my living space was all I could've thought of right now.

[Bloodhound] – "I know that you're there, I can sense you."

I got startled and looked up only to see that it was Bloodhound. I guess he was monitoring the whole base. I let out a sigh of relief, stood up from my hiding spot and greeted him as if I weren't scared.

"Oh hey, for a second I thought you were a demon coming to eat me, haha."

[Bloodhound] – "I came across footsteps leading towards the cafeteria and thought there was an intruder. What are you doing out from your bed?"

"I can explain. You see, I had a nightmare and usually cookies with milk would put me right back to sleep. I came here to get a snack is all."

He just stood there staring if what I say was actually true or misbelief. I'm not really the type of person being able to handle Bloodhounds inspections, you know. All because of my thing for him. It's okay though. At least I get to have front row seats. I just really want to see what he looks like underneath that mask of his.

[Bloodhound] – "Well, you are dismissed from your actions but do be careful when you lerk the halls. You could run into someone you may think are not whom they seem."

"This is probably only for today. I don't usually get out of bed this late. Well, now to get that cookie if you don't mind."

You don't realize how the lights are in this cafeteria. They've been flickering a ton of times, makes me feel like I'm in a horror movie. I can't even see where I'm stepping. Sometimes I just wish the cafeteria food could just stay in my fridge at home but I don't really have much room considering that it's small. I guess that's why we have a cafeteria to begin with. I continued walking towards the the fridges in the back. I step on something slippery as my entire body moves into motion falling back, waiting for my doom. Suddenly, I feel a light grab from arm and another on my tummy. While I was facing the floor midway to falling, I turn to see what the heck happened and Bloodhound is holding me. BLOODHOUND IS HOLDING ME. He pulls me back up, turning to the side.

[Bloodhound] – "Are you alright?"

I replied with only a single nod. I wasn't able to say anything at the heat of the moment.

[Bloodhound] – "Good, grab your snack and go."

I grabbed what I came here for and dipped my way out. I felt weird but burned up at the same time because of what happened. Once I arrived back to my place, turned out I didn't need the snack anymore. So, I decided to just set it aside for next time quietly headed back to my room. Meanwhile, back to Bloodhound.

[Bloodhound] – "Finally, I'm relieved to see that everything's in order as last time. Now I hope no one roams the halls again tonight. I must head back to my station as well.. Today was very pleasant surprise though." He continued walking to his compact and who knows what happens from there.

If no ones noticed but the lights are on and ones allowed to roam the halls at night. A mysterious figure appeared near the doorway like if he were wearing some time of cloak. A small smirk is all he gives and returns back silent.

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