Dinner With A Hunter

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I started to gain my strength, I looked around and everything looked different. Where am I?! A door creaked open and a tall figure approached.

[Bloodhound] – "This marks twice I had to carry you. You really should take better care of yourself."

"B-Bloodhound?!" I really was not expecting him.

[Bloodhound] – "Yes? Oh, you're probably wondering why you're here. Well, let me explain. I saw you passing out in the hallways on my way to my compartment. Your partner didn't answer after knocking on your compartment. I don't have proper authorization to enter so I took you to mine. You may leave if you're feeling okay."

Wow. He's really considerate of others. And sweet.. My chest can't handle


Aside from that, his living space looks very decent and spacious. I looked around then suggested something.

"Hey Bloodhound, do you by chance allow me to get a tour of your compartment?"

I don't think I should've said that. He's going to think I'm a weirdo now. Damnn! Oh well, I guess.

[Bloodhound] – "It's quite different from all the legends compartments isn't it. I wouldn't mind your request."

I was very surprised toward his answer. I'm going to drown myself in happiness.
I must savor the moment before it ends. "Really, thank you very much," I said letting out a resilient smile.

[Bloodhound] – "Please, it's my pleasure." He bowed his head down and faced me.

God I can't control myself. I need to really calm down. "Well, so far I've seen the living room and somewhat kitchen from here," I giggled with my arms behind as I pinch myself. Before I could say anything else I just realized Bloodhound's attire. I could not take my eyes off him. He took note of my stare and I swear, I could feel him smirking from underneath that mask.

[Bloodhound] – "Ah, you noticed. I tend to dress formal in suits when I'm home or in a conference meeting. Well, if I have time to spare."

"Oh, it looks fantastic on you Bloodhound." I couldn't stop blushing.

[Bloodhound] – "If I may, you could call me Nazer," he suggested.

"Nazer? Is that your real name? I don't hear that one much on tv."

[Bloodhound] – "No, my name is hard to pronounce. People always call me Bloodhound for a reason but I just thought of using Nazer for short. Nazer means the eyesight or vision."

"Alrighty then, Nazer."

[Bloodhound] – "Just Naze, the r is silent." He walks me to his bedroom.

"Naze.. It suits you pretty well don't you think? By the way, your room has a ton of space. You can make another room."

[Bloodhound] – "Surely I could but I have no need for another room. Besides I have this whole compartment to myself."

I stood there wondering. I'm alone with him. We can do anything. Anything could happen! No, I have to be respectful.

"Well, I should get going then. Thank you for the tour, Naze." I couldn't stop saying his name. It's dangerous here next to him.

[Bloodhound] – "Here, let me accompany you out. It's the least I can do for my guest."

He lead me to the door. I thanked him again for the tour, smiling in delight, waving my hand. Right before I stepped out, he pulled my arm and stared down at me. I blushed in surprise.

[Bloodhound] – "Urm.. W-would you like to have dinner tonight at my place? I'm making beef tenderloin with red wine sauce. The sights at my compartment tend to be lovely at night."

Quueeeee!!.... I looked at him, shook. Did he actually.. Noooo, it's just a friend thing right? Did he really though?!


"I think my partner would worry where I am if I'm not there. He's still fairly new."

[Bloodhound] – "Then might I ask permission from him for approval of your stay tonight?"

He's really willing to go this far... Just to have dinner with me. Would Octane even be fine with this? I don't think he'd need my help. He's with Ajay drinking. I think it'll be okay, he knows where our compartment is. I'll just leave him a note. Alright, I've made my decision.

"Sure! I'd love to have dinner with you," I said smiling.

[Bloodhound] – "That's wonderful news! Ahem.. Come by at 8 p.m."

"Well alrighty then, I'll see you tonight." I quickly speed walked to my compartment to get ready. I'm blushing like crazy.


Bloodhound began the preparations for tonight while humming. He smirks thinking of you, removing his mask off.

[Bloodhound] – "I wonder how she'd think of me if only she knew my identity," he said to himself chuckling.

Till then...

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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