01: First Encounter

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"Let the meeting to all captains of 13 gotei begin!" Yamamoto said.

"Regarding the ryoka's arrancar we must put it aside, since toshiro hitsugaya's group is there." Yamamoto said. "But I will sent byakuya on a 1 month mission, to wipe out the other arrancars..."

"Understood, captain." Byakuya said.

"Hitsugaya's group and Ryoka's group is still struggling." Yamamoto continued. "You will do the mission without them being informed. This is to ease their duty."

When the meeting was over byakuya used a senkaimon to head in the real world, but as what Yamamoto had told him he should find a place to live first.

When he got into the real world he was surprised of the buildings especially the clothing of the humans.

"They're weird." He told them. "The way they wear clothing...is much more different than in soul society..."

"Excuse me..." He heard a voice called, he turned around to see a girl with long white slightly wavy hair and purple eyes, white skin and plumply rosy lips. He admitted it was beautiful. He thought she couldn't see him until she pouted as he ignored her.

"Don't ignore me, sir!" She yelled. He was shock that she could see him but as she had felt an emotion of anger, her reiatsu spiked, shocking him. Her reiatsu is higher than usual and it feels familiar.

"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking." Byakuya says, not wanting to cause a commotion. "But do you have a place to live in for 1 month?" The girl then felt excited.

"I have sir! You can stay in my house!" And with that he followed her on the way to her house.

- Moments later -

"This is it!" The girl said, they were standing in front of a house that was different from the others and byakuya couldn't help but to like it. "Now tell me your name, kind sir!"

"Kuchiki Byakuya." He introduced. "Now you tell me your name as well." He told her.

"Hinata Hitsugaya!" He was shocked at her last name. So she's alive, but it seems her reiatsu has gotten weaker.  "Let's go inside! I'll prepare the food and the place you'll sleep in!"

Hinata prepared spicy onigiri tuna, sashimi with spicy sauce and tea as well. "Well I'm done and I hope you like it!"

"Itadakimasu!" She said then starts to eat at the spicy onigiri tuna. Byakuya was amazed at her cooking, he was glad she cooked something he liked mostly the tea as well.

Her eating manners were the same as back then in soul society. He was suspicious if she really knows her mission. "Ne ne Byakuya sama, your outfit looks similar to those people that were flying in the sky! I've been hearing that in the books that you are called shinigami."

"Yes, I am indeed a shinigami Hinata san." He says, admitting.

"Wow I'm so lucky that I am able to meet a shinigami!" Something must have happened on her mission. I can't inform the captain commander just yet.  "It seems you're very strong though! But I'm still curious why I have this!"

She pulls out one sword, he was shocked that it was where her 4 zanpakutos are. He recognized the zanpakuto she used the most when she was in her captain days, Hana ningyo.

"That is called, a zanpakuto." Byakuya tells her. "It seems you are a rare human as well, perhaps you might be a shinigami or what we call half shinigami." He lied to her.

"But that's not possible." He saw her relieved. "If you were indeed a shinigami the soul society would have noticed your reiatsu. Don't worry rest is assured I won't spill anything, as long as you help me on my mission."

"Mission?" Hinata asked.

"Yes, a mission." He told her. "Help me eliminate the arrancars, and then I might answer all your questions."

"Hai, it's a pleasure byakuya sama!" Hinata says, excited of the idea.

"I need a clothing for my gigai to wear so I hope you have some spare clothes." Hinata quickly brought out several samples of outfits.

Byakuya took the outfit that was actually a kimono, since he doesn't like the human outfits.

Byakuya took the outfit that was actually a kimono, since he doesn't like the human outfits

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"Good, more like it." Byakuya said putting on the outfit. "I'll go to my bedroom, goodnight, Hinata san."

"Goodnight too as well, byakuya sama." Hinata says heading to her bedroom.

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