🌻 Drag Me Through Hell - Ryan Sitkowski

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requested via tumblr & posted on tumblr - buryallyourbones

Ryan's hand clutches yours for dear life, wide eyed and aware of everything going around versus you who is still in complete shock. Things had been tough for the first month, you kept hoping going to sleep in random places and waking up with that it would end this nightmare but it seemed to get worse each day. Whoever said the apocalypse would be easy to survive given the right equipment was wrong.

Much less that you we're on a tour bus with five band members who either handled things well enough or lost their shit at the drop of a hat from lack of sleep. It's still a blur of how it all started. How everything completely blew up in front of all five of your faces, the sheer amount of panic on everyone's face. To add to the fact, you were much further from home.

Ryan was the sole one who was keeping his head up straight despite the countless mental breakdowns he was having on the inside. He was focused on surviving for the both of you. His mind in a constant panic of making sure to keep you alive and him, on a hunt for shelter as you walked back to the state you knew as home. You wish you could say the same, you are hopeless and struggling with reality.

Ryan's arm goes lack and he turns back to where you are holding on to it. His grip loosening on you as he looks back to see you standing there. Eyes wide and in shock as a man is standing there beside a building, hair a mess and clothes torn apart clutching his now dead wife with tears in his eyes.

Blood curdling screams escaping his lips, all you can do is stand in horror at the site. She was nothing more then skin and bones. From the looks of it, she had been shot. His focus is on her and all you can picture is someone taking their chance to hurt the mourning man. All you can do is picture Ryan, Ryan being in the same position as the man across the street.

Ryan sighs and turns to face you, nudging your face to look him in his brown eyes. The ones that used to hold such a sparkle and shine now filled with horror and sadness at the weight of the world falling apart.

"Focus baby come on. We can't stop to freak out. I know you are scared baby, but every time we stop we run risk of someone hurting us."

His hands go to cup to your face, "I know. I know baby, but it's you and me. It's you and me. Focus. Okay?"

You nod.

His own heart breaks when he sees the tears begin to leak down those beautiful cheeks of yours. As much as he wants to comfort you like he usually does and be there for you, he can't. He has to remain alert all times. He can't handle letting you be killed for food because he slacked long enough for someone to hurt you.

You are the last thing on this earth he has. Everything else has been lost along with his livelihood. You are his last will to make it through this to find the hidden compound his family had made sure was left behind and saved.

"You're okay. Come on, we'll find shelter and some food."

You nod. Your grip on his hand tighter as you pick up the slack avoiding to look at any human being that could possibly be rabid and ravenous enough to hurt you or the man who had just became your husband three weeks before this all. Somewhere along the way, you had lost dear friends. What started as a group ended up here to two.

Each one dying from starvation or being killed for the fun of it. Loosing each half of your life along the way. Deep down, you know your lost your family too. The only family you ever had, you can't get it back. The world is in flames around you and tragedy but Ryan is practically the strong one in this all.

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