🌻 Gift and A Curse - Ryan Sitkowski

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There is bitterness there as he stares at the altar, his ex girlfriend who truly ever had his heart stood there with what has supposed to be his best friend for as long as he can remember. You were supposed to be his wife. Help him grow into what a man was just as much as him helping you grow.

What a fucking shit show his life has became, he thinks as he watches the two of you smiling despite the countless fire pits and humid temperatures around all of you.

Arms crossed in front of him, he gives a stone cold stare towards the both of you. His fearless leader in his throne beside him as he waits for the objections. Much different then a normal wedding, if anyone is too even object that doesn't have a valid reason. The fire pits around the walk away, let's just say objections here are rare much like weddings.

Hell isn't this place of brightness and purity. It's sheer terror and hurt. Everyone gets hurt and used in a pawn for the leader's game. All but the leader himself.

As Satan says himself, "It's all for my entertainment."

Your darkened eyes find his and it's as if the look wakes the good in him. The black pupils shifting to their brown before shifting again to the black. The sorrow and heartache. It's a lot of what you are here for. It's what got him here too. The amount of rage he felt at it all. It feels like a life time ago, but it's only been a mere of days since the incident. Since Ryan went and snapped.

He can still hear the words spoken last. The fact you spoke with such ease and no emotion as you laid everything on the table that belonged to him. The simple explanation you no longer wanted any ties with him. You had left everything but his cold broken black half beating heart. He shouldn't ever showed it to you anyway. He knew that, but he did.


He sighs, standing to his feet.

"I can't Ryan. It's not gonna work. I can't."

He watches you set the key down, the last little piece of him falling to the coffee table. His eyes finding you walking to the door with no emotion. No hurt. Nothing to even acknowledge that you wanted him anymore or ever had wanted him.

He almost swears he saw you smile as you walked out. Skipping even as you went to the nice black escalade he bought you for your birthday last year. He loved you. He loves you.

You damaged him. So much so, it led him to his current predicament. In this fucking hell hole of life, your murder and his. Hell isnt even a place of forgiveness and while you should be in heaven. In a place of purity cause despite it all, you are so pure. Beyond it and he knows that. He just wants you to suffer.

Suffer like he is gonna have too for the rest of his life. His fate is gone. It's over and as he looks down to the man who would hold that over his head for the rest of his life, he knows what he had done. The fact he sold his soul with the devil the mere minutes after your murder. He's sure it was the alcohol talking, but he did it.

He agreed. He sold his soul for you to be in hell with him. He would get his revenge. He would do everything to make you suffer and then, the moment he saw those tears in your eyes. The horror and sorrow before the initial shock wore off, he regretted it. He's weak enough but he's still bitter.

His fearless leader while forever make his life a living hell. Just like he is doing now by allowing Ryan's best friend who had been sent here mere years ago.

A simple action such as doing drugs and killing those on the road by being high out of his mind. A truly horrid scene but he was sent here by God himself. In that car, it was a family. One that didn't stand a chance at survival. Poor things.

Ricky, well he is happy. He can do his drugs, fuck his women, and have a wife in all one setting. Hell is well... It's like Earth without the consequences. Just follow the rules the dark lord gives is all. That's it. Murder is even allowed.

The fucked up crimes here get the highest and greatest lives just ask Ricky. He got you. The purest one of everyone here.


"Any objections?"

Satan looks towards Ryan, a sinster smile on his face as Ryan looks down towards his leader. His mind running circles as he looks back to the high out of his mind Ricky. His eyes barely open but he is awake enough to remember your name. To remember the wedding ceremony and the day.

His black pupils look towards you. His heart thumping, he can feel it. Despite the fact it's in your chest. It's not his anymore. He's hollow and empty while you have a chest full of hearts. Maybe that's exactly why his boss offered him the deal.

He isn't sure.

"Son, you must make a decision. I see your mind running circles. You still have your tongue, speak my child."

Ryan nods, "I do have one."

It's not what he wanted to say. He wanted to keep his mouth shut and get his revenge somewhere else. Yet here he is, speaking his mind. He's sure his boss did this to him. Has him under a spell to spill his guts to the woman who stood in front of him still a perfect site.

Ryan's feet are moving before he can even think. His eyes locked to you as he watches you walk to him. His dark lord smirking at the actions of the both of you. Ricky's focus on the flames, his eyes in awe as the flames get higher and higher.

Smiling, Ryan shows his sharp teeth to you. You repeating his actions as you rest a hand on his shoulder fixing his suit and moving to his tie to fix it.

"You look handsome Ryan."

He knows your tricks.

Chris smirks from behind him moving his index finger to signal a very twitchy Ricky to his bride.

"What are you doing Ryan? Don't you want me to be happy?"

You smile, giving that signature look to the man. The one that always had made him melt.

He nods, "I do but with me."

"Tsk. Tsk."

The dark lord chuckles.

Just as Ryan goes to turn his head and scorn the man, Ricky's movements are a flash. One minute he is where he needs to be and the next he is at Chris's side.

In the process of it, Ricky knocking you off the small walkway. Ryan's eyes are wide as he watches you disappear into the fire pit filled with all the other souls who didn't stand a proper chance.

"Oh such a shame. I'm sorry about your lover Ricky."

The master speaks with fake sympathy. Ricky shrugs, too high to even understand what just happened or how his actions caused this all.

"We'll find you another one."

The master's hand rests on the man's shoulders squeezing as he flicks his eyes to Ryan's. Smirking even wider when he sees the tears peaking through them.

"I'm sure Ryan would even help you with that too."

He chuckles, "Wouldn't you Ry?"

Ryan nods with a grimace. He was supposed to be the one to get his way and watch you suffer. He wasn't supposed to suffer anymore at the hands of you or anyone else.

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