I Promise I'll Go With You - Ryan Sitkowski

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Ryan's rushing down the steps, he heard the yelling from his gaming room. Abruptly having to end the stream from the screaming and the commotion, he's sure the fans heard and he'll make note to say something next stream. All he knows is that his little sister is not okay. She needs her big brother.

He made a promise to you and he plans to keep it. It all and any cost to him. He would do anything for you, he made that promise to both of his sisters. He meant that promise even if you push his nerves.

He isn't sure what he walked down on. All he knows is you are in a shouting match with the man you had been dating for a good year now. Apart of him doesn't want to know, it never does end good when he does know. It makes matters worse in the end. He also knows how you are, you love with everything in you.

A characteristic both of you got from your parents, you give it all and get hurt as fast as you fell. It's a lot of why he has taken a space back since his last ex. Ten years, all gone because of the lifestyle he lived. He's thankful for you, you picked him back up. He's still healing, but he has you.

You don't sense any other bodies in the same room, all you can see through your tear filled eyes is the man in front of you. His hand clutched to the marbled countertop. His head low, eyes on the ground. He didn't dare look at you. Not after what he told you, the mess he made now.

You've lost track of what you have screamed at him. You lost it when he told you what happened last night, what he admitted. It broke you to the core and as you stare at the diamond ring on your finger as a proof of his heart, that's in your hands forever now.
It hurts worse, you are taking all the strength to not slide it off and throw it in his face. You are pissed, he hurt you so deeply. Out of all the people, he did the very thing you hoped and prayed he wouldn't do it.

You love him. In so many ways and no words would ever explain the amount of love you've got for him. It hurts. He did this to you, both of you. He screwed your future up.

"I'm sorry."

His voice is so low, a whisper and you aren't even sure you can make out the words. Ears are ringing and you can hear your heart break through that. It's like glass hitting the floor shattering everywhere. Along the glass, you can see the memories the two of you made.

The future falling apart and if you stare close enough, you can't see the day where you even get married to this man before you any more. It's cloudy, blurry, and it's hard to see it without clear vision.

"It was a moment of weakness. I didn't meant it."

Ryan hears the statement, he watches his little sister drop to the ground. Her hand coming to rest around his middle and her body curling into the fetal position. The sobs coming out and he doesn't know if he can take it. He thinks back to his teenager years, the girls he had hurt for no reason.

He's thankful he's grown up a lot, he's seen how wrong it was.

How he hurt people in the process. He's came to terms with that and moved forward. He made his peace and forgiven himself. He sees every single girl he hurt in the form of you, the one person who would always mean the most to him.

His eyes dart to the man in the kitchen, it's clear he's broken up just as much as you are. The dark circles are under his eyes, it's not clear as day but they are there. He feels his heart sink at it all. Pure heartbreak spread around in the room, he feels it. The tensions clear as day around everything.

He doesn't need to know what's happening. It's all been confirmed for him.

Kneeling down, his hand comes to rest on your lower back. You jump at his actions and when you see it's him, you relax and crawl into his embrace. Letting the only other person who truly you trusted with everything hold you. His arms wrapping around you, swaying you back and forth as he listens to you sob.

His protective instincts kicking in as the man comes to stand where the carpet separates both the living area and kitchen. Ryan looks up to the man who is now kneeling down himself, desperately trying to make things right. Ryan shakes his head to the man, mouthing not right now.

The man nods, standing up and grabbing his keys to his car. It's best he leaves the house, he doesn't want things worse then they already are. He let everyone down and it's sure at this point, Ryan would never let you back in his life again. Ryan had made it clear the moment he screwed up, it was done.

He promised him he wouldn't. He did anyway. He hates he let his friends make a decision for him. He hates he caved in and he just lost the best thing for him, the only thing that would ever be best for him.

Ryan sighs once the door shuts, the sobbing getting louder. Whispers and screams coming out as you clutch to your big brother, "S'okay. It's all okay."

His eyes lock to the door, swaying you back and forth.

"I got you little sis. Always. I promise i won't let you down. I love you."

A hand comes to rub at your lower back, your whole entire body shaking as the cries begin to settle down.

"I will not let you down. I promised you that and i will keep that promise Y/N."

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