Hold Your Hand - Chris Motionless

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requested and posted via tumblr - another follow you by bring me the horizon fic.

His fingers tighten around the chair, stretching out to get a feel the red chair that would become his throne. His eyes find the king, nodding as he stands up to shake the man's hand. The grip tight enough to crush it if he was a human. The man laughs and he wraps his arm around the younger man's neck. A sense of pride coming from the glare of the older man's eyes.

"I know we don't show emotions in this realm but i'm so proud of you Christopher."

Chris nods, knowing better to speak before given the permission too. He learned that one the hard way and he can't wait to have that kind of power over the people that resided here against their will. It makes him feel way too excited to be the ruler.

He earned this fair and square. The king himself even said so. He did everything asked of him, risking death to do so. He deserved this. Hell yeah, he did. He has so many reasons why he did this. Why he wanted to win. The fact of ruling the whole underworld, he could practically have them licking his boots. It excites him, but there only real reason -.

Chris's eyes dart to where you stand, the black dress hugging to your curves. His mouth practically watering at the sight. His mind immediately going to how he can't wait to rip that thing off later.
He is lucky he won. He wouldn't be able to bare seeing anyone else by you. He smiles when you give a wink to him, turning back to where you are supposed to be focused.

His heart thumping in his chest just as fast as it did when he was alive. He can't remember how long ago it's been since he has felt alive inside. He can count on one hand since being here but he is sure it wouldn't do him justice. It wasn't a comparable feeling like he got from you. He just knows that you, you maybe the only thing that he loves so much down here.

It's a lot of why he even risked death. It's a lot of why, he wanted the throne to take over the king's place. Why he wanted it so bad, well it involved you. The daughter of the king. The princess of the underworld. Okay, queen now. Whoever won, they married you on the spot.

He wouldn't be able to stand to see someone else marry you, bed you, give you everything he should've been able too. He's killed once since being here. He would do it again too all for you. He would shove anyone down into the pits full of creatures no one even thinks about exists.

"No one would ever get your heart, would have your soul like i would."

He remembers whispering that into your ear as you climaxed and squeezed him for dear life like a death grip. He wasn't lying when he said that and he meant that. He wouldn't allow anyone else to have you. He also remembers the words you spoke back, "No one ever would. No one else matters but you."

Just because you father is the king of the underworld and literally Satan, doesn't mean you would stand down to him. This was Hell, when did you ever listen anyway? He raised an actual demon, you weren't born on earth. You don't know anything but this world. You were raised to get your way and be damned, that's what you would do.

After all, you are reminded daily why you are your fathers child just alone from your attitude.

"You really love her, don't you Christopher?"

Chris's black pupils look up to the kings, seeing the man stare back down at him. A look of amusement on his face. The king remembers being in love with his first wife. You are spitting image of her and he can see why. He can see why Christopher would do what he did.

"I do, sir."

He would do the same thing over and over again, if he could. As your father stares down at the man, he flashes back to the memories of your mother. Her beauty just like an angel. One that got kicked from Heaven just like he did. She was spitfire and he sees a lot of her in you alone.

The sweet and too pure for this lifestyle, the killed or be killed one but the side of you that makes you pure evil. If you truly wanted to be, you fought for what was yours. You never let anyone get their way around you. He wanted the best for you and as he stares down at Chris, he knows you found it.

Chris had fought for you. He passed every test with flying colors to get the throne. He was gonna be a great man, ruler, protector, and damned your father say it, a good father as well. He's the love of your life. Your father would have chosen him anyway. Cerulli is the best candidate even if he didn't. Although, your father won't tell anyone that not even you.

Chris smiles when the king's hand squeezes his shoulder, "You are gonna make a great king Christopher. Y/N, she's gonna make a great queen. Both two powerful people, oh how the people would be terrified."

The man is giddy at the thought as he sees Chris's eyes light with pure excitement as well.

"Let's get you married Cerulli."

His hands rest behind his back, eyes locked to yours. A wide but cocky smile spread across his face as you look up to him. Hair curled and pushed back, the black dress perfect. The screams of the people in the background, it makes a perfect day for a wedding. For your wedding, to this man in front of you who would become your king.

Oh how you can't wait to rule this shit show. It's gonna be so great to see this man who completely owns everything of you in charge. It makes you so excited in more ways then one. Chris chuckles with a sinister look when he sees the glare in your eyes. The look of pure love and lust but mixed in with the glare of evil.
Fuck he loves that look.

He had done good finding you. The other girl, she was beautiful yeah. You, you just own him. You own his heart. He wishes he had met you sooner. He has years to spend with you now, yes but doesn't mean they will be enough to ever measure out his life here. He's been here long enough, it's been the longest time. He has lost track of time but he knows it's been awhile.

"You two kids ready to make this a deal?"

Chris is the first to speak, yelling for it to happen. It felt like years to get to this moment. He is aching to have your hand. He wants to hold it so bad. He would have done so too, but he just had earned his spot. The top spot and the approval of your father. He didn't want to fuck it up.

In a split second, it could all be ripped away from him. He's seen it happen before. He was new to the world but he had seen it happen. He's not even sure what happened to the guy, he was dragged off. He is pretty sure he knows but he also doesn't wanna know.

The man looks to you, "And you miss?"

When you nod, "I'm ready. So ready."

The man looks to the ruler and waits for his approval, Chris letting out a breath of relief when the man nods as well. All right. She's mine, my wife, and my everything, Chris thinks to himself as he lets a few tears roll down his face. Not messing the pure admiration come across your face.

"Christopher, you may kiss your wife and queen."

"Fuck yeah i can."

Christopher chuckles as his hands rest on your cheeks, pulling you to him as his lips press to yours.

"My queen of hell."

He whispers as he rests his forehead atop of yours.

"My king."

You whisper back, "My king of everything."

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