Lonely Dance - Ricky Horror

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This is not his scene. He hates this. He's used to the sweaty bodies and the music way too loud. He is a rockstar in a sense. He just doesn't like the term. It makes him seem like this big celebrity but he really isn't. He is just in a band that's well known. He doesn't like this club, he makes up his mind up here.

He should have stayed with Chris on the bus, but he wanted to be supportive for Ryan. It's his first date and while his new girl brought a friend for him to just talk too. He didn't wanna third wheel. He isn't clicking with her. She isn't you and it makes him miss you more.

He could be in his bunk reading a good book or talking to you. He hates this. He hates this club. He hates the fact neither him nor the brunette set to be his "date" in a sense is not speaking. Both are just sipping on the drinks given.

It's Ryan who his having his best time ever. Completely happy and in tranced by the blonde in front of him. Ricky makes note of her a couple times. He bites his tongue though. Ryan is his best friend and now is not the time nor place to voice his concerns.

Taking another sip of his beer, he sighs and looks down to his phone. A picture of you on his lock-screen, he misses you and he misses being at home. He really needs to call you. Really, he needs to just get out of here. He really doesn't like it. He feels like he said that a lot in his head.

He is practically aching to be in his bunk and read. He really wants to finish the book. He needs it. He really does. Ryan turns to look at Ricky and the girl's friend, giving a frown as he looks to them. It's clear neither want to be here and he looks to be his date.
Both giving the same thought, "You both can leave. It's clear you guys aren't meshing and i don't want to torture anyone here."

Ricky shifts in his seat, raising an eyebrow. He doesn't want to run off. He really doesn't. He needs to be here but he also is so down to just be able to facetime you. He is an old man as you say, he never hears the end of that and he knows he is. He is an old man in a thirty year olds body. He doesn't like what the typical guys his age like.

"You sure man? I can stay."

"No Ricky, go back to the bus. Call your girlfriend. I'm good here."

Ricky nods, finishing off his beer, slamming a $20 on the bar table, and practically running off out to the bus. His phone in his hand as he rushes to the bus to get in his bunk.

"You're back early man. Figured you would be gone for at least a few hours."

Chris shifts on the couch, sitting up to make space for the shorter man.

"Nah, Ryan said he didn't need my wing man services anymore."
Chris nods, "Good thing for that huh?"

Ricky nods and heads back to his bunk, calling you again for a second time. He frowns when you don't answer but leaves a message for you when you wake up or see your phone. He isn't sure which one.

Moving the curtain, he slips off his shoes and climbs into his bunk. The old man statement ringing in his head again, "You are such an old man. Never have any fun."

He smiles as he remembers the frown that always comes over your face. He adores you and he wishes he could be a loner with you in the same bed. Reading while you sleep, he misses you. So much more then he thinks. If he is being honest.

Dialing your number again for the third time, he lays down gathering his books and flicking the light on so he can see. The call goes to voicemail, your voice playing on the other end. He would so jump through the phone if he could. He really would.

"Baby, i miss you. A lot really. Call me when you get this? You know sleeping is not my forte. I wanna tell you about my book too. I'm sure i'll finish it tonight. I love you. I'll talk to you later."

Hanging up the phone, he places it under the pillow where his book laid. Grabbing the book, he lays down getting comfortable before opening the book.

"This is the life. If i'm an old man. I'm an old man. At least, i'm dying happy."

He smirks to himself turning to where he last left off.

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