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Michael and Ashton spent the night on the roof, laying down under the unusually clear skies with only the light of the waning moon above them. Michael woke up first and opened his eyes squinting at the sunlight. He looked down at the weight on his chest and seeing as it was Ashton's arm, he gently lifted it off of him and sat up.

Michael admired the sleeping Ashton infront of him, taking in his features, like he did before. But this time he was closer to hiim, closer than he ever was. He could hear his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest, the slow movement of his eyelashes when fluttered his eyes open; it all fascinated Michael.

"Good morning sunshine" Michael said softly, smiling at Ashton. The blonde boy smiled back and both of them got up. Michael helped Ashto up and they got out of the apartment.

"So breakfast?" Michael said and Ashton just nodded folowing Michael.

"There's a quiet little cafe around the corner if you want .." Michael tried again, unaccustomed to Ashton being quiet. They arrived and sat down a pretty girl approaching them and smiling. "What will you get boys?"

"Michael looked at Ashton and Ashton just shrugged his shoulders allowing Michael to order for him.

"Just pancakes and coffee for the both of us." Michael smiled at her and she returned it repeating their order and excusing herself. As she left, Ashton stood up and went to the bathroom. When he came back Michael was a bit relieved to see that he didn't bail on him. "I thought you ran away from me."

"I wouldn't Michael, I'll get lost."

"Why weren't you talking a while ago?"

"I was afraid I had mornig breath so I went and rinsed in the bathroom." Ashton aid and both of them started laughing. Michael stopped and covered his mouth and looked at Ashton. "Oh shit." Ashton laughed at him and just shook his head saying it's okay. Their food arrived and the same girl had brought it. "Thanks.." Michael looked for a name tag and looked up at the girl "Rosa. That's a pretty name." Michael complimented and she thanked him leaving to attend to another costumer.

Both boys ate quickly talking about random things and about how it was going to be when they go back to school/ They agreed to get Ashton back home but first take a stroll in the park.

"Remember when I found you here and you snapped at me?"

"Shut it Michael. Until now I still can't believe how I let you in."

Michael softly laughed turning to face Ashton. "I guess I'm irresistible." Ashton hit him playfully on the chest and continued on their way. When they came nearer, both could hear the sirens and the buzz of people on the strret. Michael saw a glimpse of his parents talking to some policemen and both boys were beyond confused. They looked at each other and ran arriving at Ashton's house with Michael being pinned to a car. 

"Michael!" Ashton yelled only to be hel back a police officer. "It's okay son, you're safe now. You dont have to stick by him."

"What do you mean I'm safe?!" Ashton said struggling out of the policeman's grip.

The officer holding Michael down attached handcuffs to him while his parents are in the background silently watching. Michael's mother was close to crying and Ashton could tell.

"Michael Clifford, you're under arrest for kidnapping Ashton Irwin. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?"



- loren grace xx

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