Chapter 1: Imps

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Our first chapter starts with the simplest of beasts, Imps. Though they lack the brains to function in a more normal society, Imps have been found to adapt primitive ways. They are capable of worship and grouping up in small clans. They are hostile by nature as they dislike and can not comprehend the other beasts and races in the Land.

"Quick and agile imps, men twisted beyond recognition by the corruption of the Exiled Lands' magics, also roam the surrounding area looking for their next meal. Some of the imps are highly volatile, running after any passerby and exploding violently when near. Any slain imp will yield meat when harvested, but the flesh of such a creature will taste horrible even when cooked."

Imps look like a corrupted and degenerated version of humans. Their neckless heads are deformed and asymmetrical as they throne on a bulky torso with thin arms and legs.

In the southern oasis lands you will find these small creatures roaming around, mostly around caves. They adore crystals and worship their Imp god "unknown name" as explained before the imps tend to have a stringy meat and are not very useful for many things though sometimes their blood can be used in magical or alchemical practices.

My first encounter with the imps of this land took place along the southern oasis rivers where I spotted a few standing outside of their presumed home, a cave formation filled with gems and crystals. I observed the imps for some time though it is highly uncommon for one to not come across one. The female imps seem to differ in color and are considered more volatile. If they get too close, in order to protect the male species , they tend to induce a combustion and sacrifice themselves for their mates. In accordance to their ways, the male imps are perceived as the valuable ones and are held at higher ranks than the females.

 In accordance to their ways, the male imps are perceived as the valuable ones and are held at higher ranks than the females

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