0.1 a set up for disaster

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most New Yorkers have seen too much for a man covered in what seemed to be an extra large milkshake yelling insults at the ginger in front of him to be of any concern. women all over the busy intersection could relate on some level to what was happening, Eileen just happened to be extremely vocal about everything.

"you crazy bitch!" Chris yelled at her pacing form. she had learned to take a lot of things on her thirty two years of living, men acting high and mighty was not one of them.

"at least I am not an idiot like you. what gave you the right to treat her like that?"

blind dating died after a co worker had set up a blind date for Eileen Flanagan and Chris Lagos, who could have actually gone on a second date if he hadn't mistreated their waitress in such a way that caused her to apologize, drench him in a delicious chocolate shake and storm out to a meeting she would definetly be late to.

"why do you care?"

her vision became red after that, knowing May would kill her if nearly got arrested again. so being a bigger person, she turned around every day after that, pretending they didn't share half of their morning commute or that he didn't start to show up at her favorite restaurant. somehow Chris had gotten the wrong message out of her fit, thinking it entitled him to chase her but the irish girl would rather die than spend another second with men.

so I have something to
ask of you

but I need you to answer
right now

(Kevin Rowland's soft voice  sang the familiar words of a song that had given her a name and soundtrack for life. whatever memory lane her mind had begun to walk down vanished, focusing on May's ominous text. knowing the woman it could be anything from 'I killed a man' to 'babysit my ferret')

only if I get to send a
voice memo in return
bc I just got coffee

(a feeling led her to believe this was serious, so Eileen set a timer for two minutes to enjoy some coffee and then check the message. as her favorite part of the song came up this random man cake running in a rather unusual outfit and hit a street sign. if you had to know only one thing about this girl was that she was easily startled as proven by a now spilled coffee. Aaron knew he'd have died if that woman's stared at him any longer.)

will you be my maid of

I hate men.

those were wildly different
texts .

but on another note, yes.

though I think Jacob is still
scared from when we last saw
each other.

Sundance film festival had come and gone without a hitch, Nina's documentary being an early contender for numerous awards. Eileen rather enjoyed being around the young couple but it made her lack of a love life so apparent, even Betha had taken to casually talking about some of the boys she'd known growing up. seeing so many people find love broke a bit of the 'love is for suckers' mentality she had going on.

not enough for a miracle though.

I left your invitation on
your mailbox bc I wanted
to be old fashioned but asked
anyways bc I wanted to.

send me pictures when you
open them

also we are creating a chat for
everyone involved in this mess
somehow. it's gonna be so much


I am getting marRIED



I love you!

and your excitement is

but please don't spam
my phone while I'm at work.

work on the year of 2020 consisted of managing a theater's whole logistic. it had been fun and games (Beetlejuice's cast was one of her all time favorites) until a proverbial shit called 'the music man' hit the fan.

"if I have to deal with another angry fan while entering my work place, I'll kill a man." Wilhelm caught a file before it could be added to a floor based pile.

"you would kill a man regardless of our current circumstances."

no matter what team a theater required, Wilhelm Polski went with Eileen. they had met during their college years, both newly arrived to London, not knowing a damn thing about surviving alone. right now, they were known as people you wanted to have on your side if your business was on an avenue called Broadway.

"where's the coffee you were late because of?"

"listed as cause of death in a man's obituary."

(happy new year to all who are reading this! hope this journey is as good to you as it already has been to me. I am writing the chapters ahead so updates may be slow for a while until I can just update all at once)

[3] COME ON, EILEEN | A. TVEIT ✔️Where stories live. Discover now