0.9 breathtaking

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comeon_eileen get yourself friends who have friends and then get those people to bring you soup because it's Sunday, you're working the whole day and you're sick

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comeon_eileen get yourself friends who have friends and then get those people to bring you soup because it's Sunday, you're working the whole day and you're sick. thanks.

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sophiaannecaruso one more to go!!!!

poslkidot you didn't give me some and I am bitter about it.
tomholland2013 it sounds like a you problem man
ninamiranda THOMAS

(she'd never been too active on social media until this past months hence why there was little public interaction between her and the more famous of her friends. but she'd met Tom during a small get together at May's and immediately taking a like to him and his girlfriend.)

notauntmay orange you glad you listened to me?
comeon_eileen considering this awesome soup, yes.

aarontveit have I been forgiven for the coffee?
comeon_eileen considering this and also Moulin Rouge (!!!), mostly yes.

jakegyllenhaal I feel obliged to say that he texted our chat for recs on where to buy this soup.
Jeremy Jordan and then WASTED OUR TIME by buying somewhere he'd already been to.

comeon_eileen ladies, no dirty laundry in public please.

even in spite of everything, people could see a small smile on her face until the shows ended. what did not end was the cold, it weathered on a left her with a throbbing head and sore eyes, not counting the usual exhaustion symptoms. Monday morning came and Eileen Flanagan was a make up away from being an extra in the walking dead.

"you have to fix up your sleeping schedule." was all that she heard from her friend.

"Jesus, Martina. hello to you too."

though being fair if googled 'exhausted' a picture of Eileen Flanagan would show up. she'd put her long hair up in a braided hairstyle to prevent it from getting caught in any dresses, however her effort stopped there. she'd dressed in warm leggings and a flannel that probably belonged to Wil.

"after this is done, you're going home and taking a nap." May firmly ordered, knowing it would only be heard as such.

"yes, mom."

though her only wish was to sleep for days, even if it was so unproductive, Eileen braves through.

"what do you think of this one?" Martina had been sitting down in a silky robe while Teuta searched for the dress she wanted to try on.

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