0.4 of phone calls and birds

420 14 6

"he's so traditionally handsome, it makes me sick." Wilhelm said from his spot on her bed.

after another grueling week of work, they'd agreed to spend the first part of a rare day off together, mentally preparing her for a long day of wedding preparations.

"the worst part is just that!" Eileen exclaimed before abruptly sitting down in a futon. "and he spilled my coffee."

"let go of the coffee, get back to what we were doing." what they were doing was choosing an outfit.

"which one of my clothes says 'yes, I am that pretty and no, I don't necessarily want you to like me.'?"

Wil and her had bought most of the clothes spread across the tiny New York bedroom. he along with few others were in the short list of man she trusted.

"definitely those new glasses we got last week, that oversized green blazer from Wool's with this long sleeve beneath it." he proceeded to throw said clothing item at her. "make sure to put it on before make up because it's got a collar, these pants and this belt and those boots by the front door."

"I love you." those words didn't come out easily or often but to a few select people. life had made love out to be a monster and she had no desire to deal with it any other way.

"don't you dare forget it." a small ping sounded from both phones. "knowing Martina, that's her letting you know she's early and wants lunch and Jon's here so let me know how this disaster goes."

so long as it depended on Eileen Flanagan, this day and all others would go smoothly if only for May. it wasn't very easy to gain her trust, but once you had it then you'd made the best friend you could ask for.

how are things going with
Les Mis guy?

isn't that why you don't like

although I am still salty
over Enjolras

it's been a hundred
and fifty-seven years hon

let it go

I don't wanna

and also they are late bc
Martina saw some dogs on
the way

so pretty guy just walked in

and we will be alone

end me


he's pretty

and you could use a good

but make him work for it


ya know where I stand with

preferably over their graves

but let's see how this goes

(even if she said all those things, a small part of her wanted to see what could happen if she tried again. after all, Eileen hadn't given a real chance to anyone since High School. her heart wanted to yell what's the harm? but as of now, the brain had won the battle with a carefully placed smile. let's pretend this is a show, it said, and you have to charm a difficult cast member.)

[3] COME ON, EILEEN | A. TVEIT ✔️Where stories live. Discover now