Chapter 1 - Sold at 18

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It was four days before my 18th birthday and I was scared out of my mind. Why? you ask. Well, you see ever since the apocalypse happened in 2012 everything has been different. Demons rule the world now, even though the Bible stated that angels would and it would be a place of heaven, demons took over and killed most of them.
I was born in 2000 so whenever I was 12 I really didn't pay attention to all the 'THE END IS NIGH' and 'THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US' until it happened and the bombs went off in New Jersey and New York and California and Texas and all over the world. All the major states in the USA with high populations were pretty much destroyed. And it affected the entire country. Well, almost everybody, not my town, not most small towns. Actually, most small towns are still alive but have been taken over by demons. There are barely any small towns left that aren't ruled by the demonic douche bags.

And of course those demonic douche bags decided that whenever any female turned 18 they were sold into slavery and was owned by the highest bidding demon.

As I said before, my birthday was in four days and I was panicking. I didn't want to leave my family (even though I basically hated them) and I didn't want to leave my friends. Because I knew that once I was a slave I would never see them again.

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