Chapter 4 - A New Home

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I followed Crowley around the lobby while he chattered with the other demons. I noticed he had a British English accent. I felt like everyone's eyes were on me and Crowley, and when I turned around, they were. It seemed like they were all jealous. I didn't know who Crowley was, all I knew was he was my Master and he seemed nice, I guess.

Crowley turned towards me,
"Alright, Anastasia, it's time to go home. Grab my arm." he told me. Confused, I placed my hand on his bicep. In less than a second I was in an entirely different place.

"What the hell happened?!" I asked.

"Teleportation." he answered like I should've known.


"Okay, we need to go over all the rules." he said as he cleared his throat. "Sit." he commanded. As I sat on the leather sofa, a scroll of paper appeared in his hands.

"Alright, let's get started, shall we?" He asked. "This is a contract you are required to sign, it just states everything that is expected of you. One, absolutely no back talk will be accepted. Two, you are required to do what I say immediately. No matter how ridiculous the task. Blah de blah and stuff like that. You are welcome to read over this but I will not continue because I am tired of contracts today."

I quickly skimmed over the contract. It was a bunch of obvious things of what I should do. At the bottom were the words "Any complication of obeying these commands will result in severe punishment." God, what is up with these things and 'severe punishment'.

"Oh, and just a piece of information you ought to know, I can read minds." he said.

"Goddammit, of course you can." I mumbled.

"And excellent hearing, now follow me and I'll give you the grand tour." he said as he was walking out of the room.

"The room you are currently in is the living room, of course. Here we have the kitchen, now in the auction Brody said you can cook, correct?"

"Yes." I said

"Yes, sir." he corrected.

"Right. Yes, sir."

"Good, you will be asked to cook meals on a schedule that I will give you before lunch. The kitchen is restocked every week with fresh ingredients. You will not be purchasing them."

He showed me through three more rooms before we reached a dark wooden door.

"This, is your room. You will sleep and reside in here when you are not busy with chores." he explained as he opened the door. Inside, was a medium sized room. There was a queen sized bed with blue and black bedding, a dark oak dresser with four drawers, and next to it was a pair of black sneakers. A small desk sat in the corner with some pens, pencils, and a few packages of 500 sheets of paper. There was a large black bookshelf in the corner with nothing on it, and another door next to it. There was no windows.

"Through the door is your bathroom, you are required to keep a healthy hygiene regiment. Your lack of doing so will result in punishment. Also, in your drawers is four copies of the same uniform. You will have to do your own laundry, which is part of your hygiene regiment. The bookshelf will be supplied with books of your choice, that is of course, if you want any. Your room should always be clean, if not, punishment." he explained this all with a bored expression, like he's done this hundreds of times.

"Moving on, all the doors down this hallways are the rooms of other slaves. You are not allowed in them." he stated firmly. As we kept walking down the hall, we came across ornately carved wooden double-doors. "And this," he said as he stopped walking, "is my room. You are not allowed in unless permitted by me."

"This is the end of the tour. It is currently 11:23 AM. You have the rest of the day to do as you please, but of course, within the limitations of the contract we went over. Good day." he said as he turned and walked into his room. I caught a glance and it looked magnificent.

I walked back down the hallway to my room, all the other slave's rooms had different types of wooden doors. Master Crowley seemed quite nice for a demon. He hasn't hit me or touched me. I sat down at the desk and started making a list of books I wanted on my bookshelf.

All books written by John Green

Matched trilogy

Mortal Instruments series

Harry Potter series

Fablehaven series

Percy Jackson series

As I tapped my pencil against my lower lip, trying to think of more books, I heard clicking outside my door. I opened my door and was met by a man with dazzling blue eyes.

"Hello." I choked out, star struck by his eyes.

"Hello. I am Castiel. I take it you are the new slave?" the blue-eyed man asked.

"Uh-Yes, I guess that's me. My name is Anastasia." I greeted.

"Welcome to the household."

"Thank you, are you the only other slave?" i asked

He chuckled, "No, Master Crowley has hundreds of slaves." Castiel explained.

"Do we all do the same things?"

"No. He has gardeners, security, maids, butlers. The list goes on and on. We have about 30 people on kitchen staff, but one head chef. And, you're it. Our last one... Uh... passed away." he said quietly.

"Aw, I'm sorry for your loss, what happened?" I asked sympathetically.

"She tried escaping when Master caught her and he..." his voice choking off on the last word.

I approached him with care, softly patting his back. "I'm sorry for bringing it up, let's talk about something else." I suggested.

"Okay." he agreed, looking up.

"What kind of name is Castiel? It's very unusual." I questioned.

"I used to be an angel, but after the apocalypse, Crowley captured me, took my grace, and enslaved me." he explained grimly.

"Oh, are the rest of the slaves ex-angels too?"

"No, just me and a few others. The rest are all normal humans."

"So what is your job as a slave?"

"I help tend the gardens and honey bee farm."

"Sounds fun... Can I ask you a question about Crowley?" I asked cautiously.

"I guess." he said, lowering his voice and glancing back at Master's bedroom doors.

"Is he just a normal demon? Or is he something special?"

"You don't know?" Castiel asked incredulously. "He's the King of Hell! He's the one who planned to set off all the bombs, he's basically the ruler of the world now."

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