Chapter 2 - The Morning Of

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The days quickly passed by and it soon became the 19 of July: my birthday. The slave guards came and took you at 8 AM the morning of your birthday. It was 2:12 in the morning and I was wide awake. A feeling of unease had settled into my stomach and decided to nest itself there.
I called my friend Ellie, she answered on the sixth ring. She was always awake at this time, she'd sleep during the day and be awake all through the night. She was only 17 and her birthday was in November. She would have to break that habit soon or her Master would break her.
"Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie!?" She sang into the phone.
"Hardeeharhar, so funny Ell." I replied with sarcasm. She always greeted me like that on the phone.
"But, seriously, are you okay?" She asked.
"Not really, less than..." I checked the time. "Five hours and 43 minutes until I am forced into slavery. Yay."
"Happy eighteenth birthday! Here be this monster's slave!"
I laughed at her fake cheeriness. "Can I come over before I have to go?" I asked.
"Of course! Liz is here too, if you don't mind." she answered.
"That's great! I'll be over in 5." I quickly put on my Osiris and a jacket, the temperature never rose past 70 degrees (Fahrenheit) and never sunk past 40 ever since the bombs dropped.
Ellie lived a couple blocks away from me, in a dark brown house. When I arrived I noticed the light was on upstairs that meant she was up. I carefully opened the door hoping it would not creak; I was successful. I walked up the stairs and entered Ellie's bedroom. She jumped off of her bed and hugged me, as did Liz. I finally let the tears, that I've been holding for so long, fall.
"Are you gonna be okay?" Liz asked.
"Probably not. Demons are douche canoes, and demon Masters are only worse." I replied.
"You could always pray you'll get a nice one." Ellie said.
"Yeah, right," I scoffed. "the chances of that are one in a million."
"And there's like a billion demons so that means there's a thousand nice ones!" Ellie prompted.
"Whatever. Do you think we could Skype Jared?" I asked
"If he's up!" Liz said.
Jared was my boyfriend of four years. The farthest we ever got was kissing but that's because the demons do not allow girls to lose their virginity until they are owned. They don't want us 'spoiled' for our Masters.
I looked at the laptop and it showed a little green dot by Jared's username, showing he was online. I clicked the call button and he soon answered. His blurry face popped up on the screen.
"Hey, sweetie." he said, his voice breaking.
"Hi, hon." I smiled.
"Happy Birthday." he murmured.
"Yeah..." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.
"Hey, even if you do get sold, maybe your Master will let you talk to me. Even if he won't, we'll find a way."
"Sure..." I said, still looking at my hands.
"One last game before you go?" he offered.
"Please." I said, finally looking up.
Jared and I would always play a couple rounds of Hide and Seek on our favorite MineCraft server every Tuesday. My birthday had fallen on a Monday... How ironic, my least favorite day of the week to accentuate the worst day of my life.
I quickly logged on and found him on the server. I was about to ask Liz and Ellie if they wanted to play but I had finally realized they had left the room, giving me and Jared a little privacy.
After a few rounds I soon forgot the feeling of impending doom. I was soon laughing along and actually enjoying myself for the first time in weeks.

"Okay, that is NOT fair! You totally cheated!" I yelled at him.
"Maybe... maybe not, you'll never know." Jared said mischeviously. I started giggling and he started too, and we couldn't stop for life of us.
My phone went off, so I checked it, and saw the time was 7:09 AM.
"Shit! I have to go get ready for..." my voice trailed off, all signs of previous happiness gone.
"Oh, right. No matter what happens, I want you to know, I love you no matter what happens. Till the end!" he said.
"I love you, too, until the end!" I closed the laptop and started crying, sobs heaving my body.

Finally, the tears stopped coming and my shaking was not that noticeable. I opened the door to see Ellie and Liz playing on their Nintendo DS'.

"Hey, I have to go." I said. They quickly got up and gave me long hugs while whispering words of encouragement.

"Goodbye. I'll miss you both." I said as I walked out of the dark brown house.

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