Chapter 1: The beginning

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—3rd person pov—

It was a normal day at the American household, And by normal I mean chaos.

America was out for the day so he left Delaware and NY in charge of there siblings.

Texas was at the shooting range that's in there house.

Idaho and Georgia were having a peach and potato fight for some reason.

Louisiana California Hawaii and Florida were in the pool.

Delaware was in the kitchen cooking with Kansas while Arkansas was preparing the dining table.

NY was chasing the Dakotas and Virginia's around the house. With the help of New Jersey and New Mexico.

The rest we're doing there own thing waiting for there father to come from work.

— With America—

America was at a meeting. Everyone was ether not paying attention or arguing with one another. The American however was on his phone chatting with his son New York. After he caught the pair of twins. 

Canada was chatting with his mother France " Isn't it kinda weird how he's been very quiet" Asked France looking at her son America.

"Yeah he's been like that for awhile now"replied Canada glancing at his older brother."It's like something's always bothering him".

"Maybe stress"France and Canada looked at the country next to them. "He did say something about being tiered earlier"

"I don't know Zealand maybe" Said Canada looking back at his older brother. "Or Maybe something else"

"I'm sure he's just tired l'amour but I'll ask him after the meeting"France put a hand on her sons shoulder giving him a warm smile.

"Alright everyone meeting's over you can go to your homes"UN Said standing from his chair.

Everyone started leaving the room so France approached her son worried about him"Hey Ame"

America turned to face his mother flashing her a smile when he saw her. "Hi ma what's up?"

"Nothing l'amour I just wanted to know how you were your not acting like your usual self everything alright hon?" France replied giving her a concerned smile

"I'm fine ma just tired is all" The French nodded and took her stuff of the table. "Say hon I've never been to your house mind if I came along for the day?"

Ame tensed a little no one one knew about his kids. Well some knew about the states they've given him. They'd ask him sometimes how they're doing and he'd say they're fine.

"Not today ma the house's a mess right now" Ame came up with the only thing he could think of. He didn't technically lie his house was a mess. Just not the kind of mess you'd expect.

"I'm your mother I'v seen all your messes how bad can this one be?" America though about it for a minute. He didn't want his mother to come today. But he didn't wanna say no to her.

He looked up at her and sighed " How about tomorrow. I'll clean the house and make you lunch. Not to mention  we don't have work"

France smiled at her son. She'll finally see his home "alright I'll come tomorrow then". The American looked at his mother for a second before replying "you don't know where I live"

" oh yea I don't know that do I" The French women scratched the back of her neck. " So will you tell me the address or what?"

"No I'll come pick you up tomorrow at 3 o'clock"

"Wonderful idea hon and while we're at it why not bring you father and brothers"

Ame didn't like the idea of his father being there the 13 colonies hated him. But he did have the right to know he had grandkids. So he agreed to it.

"Well then I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow. And be prepared there are some people I'd like you to meet"

And with that the American left the room leaving his mother there slightly confused.

—America's pov—

I left the meeting room and headed to my office where I found DC sitting in my chair doing some paperwork.

DC and NASA were the only ones people knew about. Thought they don't believe they're my kids, And honestly who could blame the they were nothing like me.

"Hey DC working on some paperwork I see" I went over and picked one up seems like she Handled it pretty well. Just what I'd expect from her. She never failed to amaze me.

"Hi dad I just finished some of your work so you don't stay up to late again"she game me a smile which I returned then she stood up" So are we heading back home now?"

I nodded grabbing the paperwork she finished and put them in a drawer then I took some unfinished paperwork (which wasn't a lot about 8-20) and put the in my suitcase. "Let's get going then"

We left my office locking the door afterwards and went to NASA office.

I knocked on NASAs door and heard a muffled come in so I opened the door to see my son reading some book probably about space. "You ready to go?"

"Yup" NASA hoped of the chair taking his suitcase and walked out locking the door. After walking for a bit we found DC talking to NATO. When they saw us they waved. We waved back and walked towards them.

"Let's go," I said smiling at them. DC said goodbye and we started to walk.

We walked to the car chatting about how our days went. When we got into the car I sat in the driver Seat NASA sat shotgun and DC sat down in the back.

We drove silently stoping at a grocery store to get som groceries and went back to the car.

We drove for a bit in a comfortable silence until we reached a forest I parked and we got out. We then proceeds to walk until we saw the mansion that we called our home.

I went up to the door to hear the chaos that I call children.

God I love these kids.

Hi guys hope you liked that chapter  please give me suggestions of what you would like to see in the future.
Have a nice day/night.

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