The New Girl is an Angel

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Marinette looked at her godfather. (She still couldn't believe that her parents agreed to that.)

"Jagged, is this okay?"
She asked, she wore light pink blouse with baby blue and hot pink flowers with white lace, as well as a white skirt and baby pink flats.

Her dark black, almost blue hair was pulled in a loose half ponytail with a bow made of the same material as her blouse. It was part of her everyday line as MDC, the talented designer behind Jagged Stone. It was only released last weak, and only a hundred of the twenty part sets had been made.

"First off M, its Uncle Jag now, and second off, you look like rock n' roll. I know your inspiration was my Penny's garden for this piece, and it looks amazing love." This made her blush, everyone around her had been showering her in complements since Lila, but it was still a bit much.

"Thank you Uncle Jagged." She hugged him before grabbing her pink backpack and light blue purse.

Blowing a kiss she raced out the manor and headed to her latest gift from Jagged, a pink Lamborghini with a silver interior. It was a bit much for her taste, but it was a gift that she would adore.

Hopping into the driver seat she started the car, waving at Penny who was getting into her own black limo.

She rolled out the driveway and through the gated entrance, then began to drive the twenty minute trip to her new school.

"Are you okay Mari?" The Kwami of the Ladybug earrings, Tikki, asked in French.

"Yeah Kitten, you don't have to force yourself." The Kwami of the Cat ring, Plagg, said.

"I'm fine. I'm a bit nervous, but I took my anxiety medicine already, and have both of you with me. Not to mention I can call Penny and ask for her to pick me up in an emergency." The ravenette said, smiling nervously. The kwami's snuggled into her hair, Plagg purring, in an attempt to calm her nerves.

They stayed in a peaceful silence like that on the way to school. The pure of the engine harmonizing with Plagg.

As the came closer to the school Marinette saw a bakery, looking at her clock, she had twenty minutes to the first bell.

She turned on her blinker and headed to the bakery.

Zzz le time skip of crossiants zzZ

The building was imposing and the architecture old. It made Marinette's imagination soar. She would be able to create three months worth of clothes from the front of the building alone!

She handed her keys to the valet, it was a rich kid school after all, and nibbled on a chocolate twist pastry.

There was several students milling about, all in high end clothes. It made her flush as many looked at her with wide eyed, and she couldn't help but hear as they whispered.

"Holy sh!t, she is hot!"

"Is that an MDC? How did she get it!"

"Look at her! I would kill Batman for that kind of body!"

"I hope she is single, cause I'm ready to mingle!"

As she fought the blush climbing her cheeks, she watched as a small girl in less than pristine clothes trip over her feet and fall, dropping her bag, right in front of her.

"I-I-im so-so sorry" the red head girl squeaked, making Marinette remember the several times she had done it herself.

"It is okay mon ami" she didn't realize that she had said the last part in French, but it seemed to calm the girl down.

She raised her head revealing sparkling green eyes with gold flakes and freckles covering her face. Marinette mentally began to plan a line on her colors, loving her adorable looks that reminded her of Rose.

Marinette offered her hand, and she took it, blushing in embarrassment.

"Thank you so much! I'm so sorry that I fell in your way!" The red head said, fidgeting as she picked up her bag.

Marinette looked the girl over, and noticed severe scrapes on the girls exposed knees from her crash.

"It's okay, my name is Marinette Cheng. Your legs are hurt, do you know how to get to the infirmary?" She gestured to the mentioned injury causing the girl to blush again.

"I'm Scarlet Johnson, and yes, I know the nurses office, I've been there several times last year."
She said, her face almost the color of her hair now.

Marinette smiled, unintentionally making both guys and girls swoon around her. She linked her arm with Scarlets.

"Then let's go!"

She did not hear what was said as she left those who witnessed her deed began to gossip.

"I feel like I just saw an angel!"

"Honey, I think I'm in love!"
"I'm your soulmate Dean!"
"Yes Cas."

"She is like pure sugar, and I think I might have an addiction!"


Yes, I know what I have done,

Please tell me others see my Easter eggs?

Question, who wants to be a character?

I need

Hair color
Eye color
Distinctive features
Character traits

Scarlet Johnson
Red orange hair
Green with gold flecks
Freckles, freckles everywhere
Kind and sweet, also protective and defensive

The Color Of Our HeartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant