Damian is nice?

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*evil cackle

I'm mean aren't I?

Anyway, I wont let you guys suffer, after all look at this!

Anyway, I wont let you guys suffer, after all look at this!

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Thank you! Have a merry Christmas!

When Damian had been knocked into he was slightly angry. After all, he was still sore from the past three weeks of fighting.

When the girl began to apologize he became only slightly annoyed. The girl was obviously very upset for having knocked into him.

When they girl looked up at him shyly through her lashes, his eyes met the girl's pure blue eyes, and he proceeded to fall in love.

That warm blanket of cookies fell upon him, migrating until settling on his back, he loathed the feeling of it dissipating. He wanted to beg it to stay, to cover him for eternity. Instead, he looked over the blue eyed girl.

She had Asian features, her hair such a deep black it was almost blue. She was stunning, and the blush on her cheeks made her even cuter! She was so much smaller than Damian, so tiny he was reminded of a glass ballerina! She wore a pink dress with black trimming and black gloves and flats. She was like a perfect little angel, he realized, the mark on his arm definitely fit her.

Damian suddenly wanted to kidnap her and hide her away in a tower, so that no one could take her away from him. She was his, and his alone.

But as he stared into those sky blue eyes, he saw love, but also fear. At first he thought it was fear of him, and it hurt him, why would she fear him? Was he scary to her? Did he hurt her when they bumped into each other? But then he realized that it was not fear of him, but of him not wanting her.

This girl had been hurt, he realized. Hurt so badly she feared her soulmate would reject her! Immeaditly he swore to protect her, as well as to brutally kill who ever had hurt the girl so badly.

As the girl became fidgety he realized he had been staring in silence. Hurriedly he introduced himself.

"I'm Damian Wayne, it is nice to meet you my Angel." He knelt on on one knee; grasping her gloved hand in the lightest of touches and brushing his lips on her knuckles, a proper greeting for such an amazing masterpiece of a soulmate. Her hand was dainty, so much smaller than his!

He could feel that blanket of cookies through her gloved hand, and wanted nothing more to hold her forever, but instead gently released her hand. He looked up at her, love in his heart for the first time.

Her blush became redder and she smiled shyly and took back her hand gently. He internally awed at her cuteness. She was like a little bunny!

"I-I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's nice to meet you too." She said. Her voice was like soft bells, gently caressed by the wind, she had a slight French accent, and it made her even more adorable.

He stood, and gently held out his hand in greeting. "Would you like to walk my Angel?" She blushed even harder than before, but took his hand, it was calloused with years of training.

"Are you going to be picked up, or do you have your own?" He asked as they walked to the front of the school. He was glad that few people were still on school grounds, most already gone or in club meetings or try outs.

He, of course realized that he was being different, not being his normal cold hearted self. Others would not believe that he was being so soft, so gentle with the girl. Even he himself was finding it hard, but it felt right to be gentle when talking to her. It was like his animals, he became softer around them, but this? This was entirely different, yet still the same. She was like a frightened rabbit, ready to flee if threatened. He did not want her to flee, so he was kind and gentle with her. He would gain her trust step by step.

"I have my own car, you?" He relished the sound of her voice. He wanted to hear it more.

"My butler is picking me up in our limo. But if you would like I can tell him to hold off and we can walk to the bakery and talk?" He asked, smiling at her. She looked at him hesitantly.

"B-b-but I dont want to be a problem, I-I-If you need to go home I'm okay w-w-with it." She stuttered, sadness in her voice.

Damian stopped, looking at her and frowning. Why was she so scared, who had hurt her so badly to do this? He grabbed her shoulders lightly before bending down slightly.

"Listen to me, you will never, ever be a burden or problem to me or anyone else! And if someone ever says that you are I have a sword with their name on it! You are my Soulmate Marinette, my only other half! I am one of the richest people in this city, and I will protect you at all costs! So don't ever, ever! Think that you, my perfect little angel, are a burden or a problem!"

She looked at him, wide eyed in shock. Before a single tear fell. "Don't cry моя любовь, I'm here" he wiped away the tear.

More fell, and she lunged into his arms, he hugged her, wanting to smother her in blankets and fill her with Alfred's best food. Anything to comfort his other half as she cried into him.

He vowed to torture the person that had hurt, torture them so bad that they could know true pain.

No one touched his Angel, no one!

They had stayed like that for a while, and as Marinette calmed down, Damian talked her into calling her guardian to inform then that she would be late to return today.

He hesitantly called his Father, he figured that he would be the best person to inform to keep his annoying brothers off his tail.

He was wrong, very wrong.

"Damian? What happened?" His father said, knowing it was important for his son to call him.

"Are you alone Father?" Damian asked, worried his brothers would overhear.

Bruce looked at Alfred, they were in the study. "Only Alfred, why? Did something happen?"

Damian sighed before glancing at his Angel. "I found her Father."

Bruce Wayne choked on air, standing up from his chair. "Where? Who? How?" His son had found his soulmate, and it was very unexpected, it was within the first year! He did not realize that his oldest had opened the door while he had an internal crisis

"I'll give you the details at home. Just, let me talk to her, I want to know her before anything else." Damian said. Not wanting to talk as Marinette was already off her phone.

"I'll be home tonight." He hung up. Leaving Bruce Wayne to look at his phone in confusion.

"What was that?" Dick, his eldest asked. Bruce without thinking of the consequences, looked at his son and father figure.

"Damian found his soulmate!"

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