A Force to Reckon With

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Above is Nica, my precious Cinnamon Roll!

So that I'm clear, the Marinette in this has had two and a half years of experience as Ladybug, and has gained a lot of confidence as Marinette, so she is going to be a mix between the two in this story, unless we talk about Damian, but you'll see that soon.

Also, please dont expect me to update everyday, or week. I've been doing good, but I have a life, and a lot of medical problems.

But I love you guys already, my little Awesome balls. So let me give you a story!

Godess of Being Awesome


Marinette was slightly sore on Friday, she had spent the night training with her martial arts instructor that her parents instead she have if she was to go to the most infamous city in America.

Her instructor, Will, had seen Marinette had a talent and taught her many fighting styles, they were currently working on a Greek/Roman style. Which is strange, considering that they are completely different. But together? They were like dancing.

But they had been sparring for several hours last night, him with a sword, and her a knife. According to him it would teach her muscles to block automatically, as well strengthen her shoulders and allow her to become more used to disarming a larger opponent.

Suffice to say, she was sore. But as the day grew to a close, and the final period came, she was ready to go home.

She walked to her last class with Nica, both had grew to like the comfortable silence between them, and when they would begin to talk their conversations were usually centered around art. Nica was an aspiring Graphic Designer, and Marinette a Fashion Designer. It has kindled an instant understanding between the dou.

So as they whispered to each other about different places they had drawn inspiration from, they completed the task from their teacher on making Elephant Toothpaste, laughing as it became a foam covered class. But, when Marinette glanced over the class at other explosions. She watched as the girl infront and two rows left of her was attacked by flying objects. She watched as the teacher glanced at them and then turned around. Furrowing her eyebrows, Marinette got up as those who were done watched others.

The girl was slightly taller than Marinette, with long copper red hair tinged with natural brown highlights. She was closing in on herself, huddled into a ball.

Her 'group mate' had ran off, leaving the girl. Several larger boys were laughing a snickering from another table close by.

As Marinette got within three steps, she watched, horrified as one of the smaller of the group walked up to the leftover Hydrogen Peroxide. In his hands was a phial, an open phial.

As the boy went to dump in the contents Marinette grabbed both his wrist and the phial. Then she began to chew out the irresponsible teenager.

"Vous idiot! Avez-vous une idée de ce que cela aurait pu faire? À quoi pensiez-vous! Mélanger des produits chimiques, en particulier ceux qui ont un effet d'oxydation élevé, est dangereux! Vous auriez très bien pu provoquer une explosion ou un incendie! Des gens auraient pu être blessés!" Her scolding had both the teachers and students attention, those that understand French were either glaring at the offender or staring gobsmacked at the girl's rant.

The teacher, Mrs. Sanders, did not speak French. So, she automatically decided that the pretty girl was bullying the boy.  Mrs. Sanders disliked pretty girls.
She didn't realize that she had been caught, having seen the bullying and done nothing about it.

"Ms. Cheng! What in the world are you doing to that student! I do not tolerate bullying in my class!"
This was the fatal mistake, as she gained the attention of Marinette, but this was more Ladybug now. Thankfully, to those in the class, Marinette switched back to English after hearing it, albeit a heavily accented English.

"And you! I saw you see this girl being bullied, I know you could see those boys throwing stuff at her! You dont tolerate bullying? You are just as bad as a bully, no worse. Because at least a bully shows their aggression, you just sit back and watch! This boy was going to mix an unknown compound with Hydrogen peroxide. This is highly dangerous, but you are going to jump to the conclusion that it's my fault!"

The teacher looked like she had been slapped. The room looked like it had been slapped. But then Mrs. Sanders shock turned into rage, and she snarled, like actually snarled. And lunged. Marinette, still in defensive mode,  did a backbend out of the way. Causing the teacher to fall on her face and begin to cuss out Marinette. Two very large boys picked her up, but kept her hands pinned behind her.

That is how Marinette made her way onto the school page on her first week.  And how Jagged Stone sued a teacher all her worth, or at least made the school do so.

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