XVI : No Longer Home

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"So, travelers, the next time you think you hear a strange, large bird talking, take a closer look. It might not be a giant parrot, but a flying man, a member of a secret group of air walkers who laugh at gravity and laugh at those bound to the earth by it."

Aang smiled, "Aren't Airbender stories the best?"

"Was it realistic? Is that how it was back then?" Katara asked.

"Well it is fun flying around and scaring people." I remarked.

"Hang on!" Aang went towards the story-teller.

"Alara, are you ok?" Katara asked me.

"Hm? Oh yeah fine." I lied. In reality, I missed the Air Temples. Flying around, seeing my friends, playing pranks on people. The good old days.

"Alara!" Aang came running back. "They said they just saw the air walkers last week!"

I blinked. "What?"

"We have to go check it out! Maybe we aren't the last ones!"

The next morning, we were off to the Northern Air Temple. "This is where they had the championships for sky bison polo." Aang told us.

"Do you really think we'll really find Airbenders?" Katara asked us.

"You want me to be like you or totally honest?" Sokka replied while he was carving.

"Are you saying I'm a liar?" Katara moved back with her arms crossed.

"I'm saying you're an optimist. Same thing, basically."

"What about you Alara?" She said turning her attention to me.

I hugged my knees. "I don't know Katara, last time I was there..." I shook my head. "I just hope Aang won't be disappointed."

"Hey guys look!" Aang yelled.

I went towards him and I saw people flying, except those people weren't airbenders. Katara gasped, "They really are airbenders!"

"No they're not." Aang sat back disappointed.

"What do you mean they're not? Those guys are flying!" Sokka yelled from the back.

"Gliding, maybe but flying no. You can tell by the way they move. They're not airbending." Aang looked down.

"Hey but I'm impressed." I watched as several memories flashed in my head.

"But those people have no spirit." Aang commented.

Just as he said that a person came rushing forward to us. He went circles around us, having a good laugh as he went at it. "I don't know, Aang, that kid seems pretty spirited." Katara pointed out.

Aang opened his glider and flew out. "Times like this I really wish I had my glider." More people appeared, I landed Appa on the Temple and watched my brother and that kid flying around.

The kid made a cloud of Aang, I couldn't help but laugh. Aang landed besides us with that kid following us as well. He approached and I realized, he was on a wheelchair. "Hey you're a real Airbender. You must be the Avatar! That's amazing! I've heard stories about you! I'm Teo by the way!"

"Thanks." Aang awkward said.

He then turned to me, I guess he noticed the arrows on both Aang and my forehead. I noticed a slight pink on his cheeks. "Are you an Airbender too?"

I nodded, "He's my brother."

"Wow this glider chair is unbelievable!" Sokka exclaimed as he went to examine it.

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now