Not so different

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"I've been waiting for you," the voice behind the door spoke as the female figure entered. She was on the edge but she had to be.

"Mei, relax it's alright," she heard a soft voice call her name as they placed a blanket around her shoulders.

"I'm scared," she mumbled softly

"You have nothing to worry about, I will keep my promise to protect you,"

"Promise?" she asked again

"I promise," Midoriya said with confidence and a bright smile, putting Mei lightly at ease.

"Thank you, Midoriya," she said with a bigger smile as she relaxed her shoulders.

"Where is here, by the way?" She asked as she looked around the house

"This is All Might Pack, we are in my best friends house," Midoriya said with pride as Mei gazed over the scenery.

"This is a beautiful house," Mei said as she sat down on the nearby chair.

"Mei, we need to talk about the plan," Midoriya spoke cutting off the conversation and putting it into the main focus.

"I was really hoping we could do that later, but fine," she said as she turned towards the green haired male.

Bakugo Katsuki

Kirishima was finally sleeping peacefully. I really didn't know what to do. How can such a beautiful person disregard themselves so much. I want to help him, I really do but this seems like something I can never help him with.

The only person that could possible help him, was gone.

Damn it.

I hate feeling useless, all I wanted was to help the one person I have left in my life. I want to protect him and make him happy.

I failed the first thing, and I can't seem to make him happy no matter what I do.

I sat up from the bed trying to be quiet enough for Kirishima not to awake.

"Baku, babe where are you going," he groaned as he grabbed onto the back of my shirt trying to get me to lay down.

"I'm going out for a walk," I said with a monotone voice as I quickly got up and walked towards the door.

I could feel Kiri frown even through the distance. I signed loudly before finally walking out of the house.

Man I haven't felt like a piece of shit in so long, I forgot how much it hurts.

Shifting into my wolf form I run into the forest hoping for some quiet time.

I kept my head down trying to really feel my depression at the moment, I didn't understand the feeling, I felt the need to be alone, but I wanted to be with my love.

I'm so afraid that something will take him from me, I'm so afraid that one day he will leave. I know everything is meant to stay in the  past but sometimes the past does hunt you down.

I'm afraid someone will want to kill my love and take the only thing I have left away from my life. I hated feeling useless to the one I love, he would most definitely leave me if I fail to comfort him.

"You know, sad doesn't look very sexy on you, Baku," I jumped at the sound of the voice

"What are you doing here," I growled

"Easy boy," they chucked with their hands up in surrender

"Answer my question," I glared.

"I can do you one better," they smirked as they began to walk towards me, their right arm wrapped around my neck and they pulled me into a passionate kiss.

I quickly began to kiss back not being able to help myself. I grabbed their waist to hold them up but they wanted more as they grabbed my arm and placed my hand on their bum.

"We shouldn't do this," I spoke looking around the forest.

"Why not? I like a natural scene, reminds me of when we first met," they wiggled their eyebrows.

"Very funny," I said dryly.

"Bakugo, why are you sad," they frowned and they got closer to me.

"I'm in love, I'm so in love right now, I love this person more then yesterday but less then tomorrow, I want to have them in my life forever, but I can't seem to be able to make him happy, I want to care for him, to shower him with everything he wants because he deserved the world, I hate being in love and being vulnerable, but if I have to be in love, I'm glad it's him. He is the sun to my moon, from two different worlds our love grows, but I'm so in love that I fear this person who I love so much will one day leave me," I spoke not making eye contact at the clinginess of my words. 

"Please fuck me right now," they moaned as they unbuttoned my shirt and threw it somewhere on the grass

"No, I won't fuck you, I'm going to make love with you like I should have a long time ago,"

"Give me your forest magic, daddy" they smirked as they wrapped their arms around my neck and pulled me over them.

"Kirishima, what the actual fuck," I see trying my best to hold my laughs in

"See, our worlds aren't very different at all, because I'm about as horny as you are," he said sticking out his tongue at me.

"You little bitch, it's not my fault you go walking around with that ass all day," I said eskimo kissing him.

"And It's not my fault you have a big dick," he said plainly

"Your come backs are shit," I said making a straight face

"You know what I'm not shit at?" He asked licking his lips.

"What?" I asked looking at his beautiful eyes.

"I'll show you," Kirishima smirked as he rolled us around so he was on top of me.

I groaned as I felt his ass in my dick

"By the way after this your making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for tomorrow," He giggled as he began to kiss my neck.

"Kiri, what the fuck,"

I survived Finals...didn't do as good as I wanted but I'm fine :( it's not like I cried about it because I felt like a disappointment, really this isn't about me, I'm sorry...I hope those who are also taking final exams do their best :) this is my good luck gift to you.

I actually really liked this chapter, I'm prolly gonna be the only one 🤡

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