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Todoroki Shoto

"Umm, about that," I spoke nervously 

"What do you mean by that?" Midoriya asked with a panicked look. 

I was so nervous, he was already under a lot of stress and I know that telling him that Momo has his mother hostage was anything but relaxing. He was already getting upset with me, and I was already proving to not be a good mate. I hated that I had to be the one to tell him the news, but at the same time, I was the only one that knew. 

"Well let's take a seat first," I said gently as I grabbed his hands and brought him to take a seat on the sofa nearby. 

"Todoroki, just tell me," he said, I could already tell that he was nervous and I hated the fact that there was nothing I could do about it. 

"Well...Momo may or may not have taken your mother hostage in this weird little box thing," I spoke hesitantly knowing quite well that I sounded crazy. 

"What!" he screamed as he stood up quickly "For how long?" 

"S-since the day you left?" I said making it sound like more of a question than an answer.  

"Todoroki! Its been months," Midoriya screamed. I was at a loss of words, how am I supposed to comfort him now?

"Midoriya, you need to relax, Todoroki was under a spell he could not help it, that and nobody knew other than him," Uraraka interrupts trying to take the pressure off of me and I was ever so grateful.  

Midoriya let out a huff and ran towards his room before closing the door. I stood up looking at Uraraka for help, as much as I hate to say it I still knew nothing about Midroiya, not like she did. 

"Just give him a minute," She spoke giving me an awkward smile. "I gotta be honest, Midoriya has never been like this, he has always had so much patience, but I know he is different now,  I just keep forgetting," she signed getting teary eyes. 

"It isn't bad," I finally spoke as I held one of her hands for reassurance. "It isn't bad that he changed, he is stronger now, he can finally be free to express himself, he has been trapped for so long in a pack that never understood nor loved him, of course, he is different, he is finally free and I'm glad, he is finally getting the experience that we got to grow up with. 

"I'm just a little worried about him, I am the only one that knows him, he always opened up to me and now it feels like he never wants to talk to me," she finally cried.

"Everything takes its time, we have to remember that he was gone for months, and in those months he had seen and gone through so much, yes he is different, but it will all settle in its time," I gently said as I did my best to calm her down. 

"I should go talk to him," she said wiping her tears away and heading towards his room. 

Uraraka Ochako 

I took a deep breath before opening the door. Loud cries could be heard within the darkroom. 

"Midoriya," I called softly as I walked towards the bed, there aren't very many times that Midoriya and I have moments like these, but if they are going to begin I am glad that we have each other. 

"Uraraka, what am I going to do?" He asked desperately as he continued to cry into a pillow. 

"Well, for starters you have to remember that you are not alone anymore, you have friends and family that care about you and want to help you get through anything, you are not alone anymore," I smiled caressing his back gently. 

"I just don't know how to ask for help, it always feels like I'm the one the world is taking from the most, I already made the mistake of letting others fight battles for me, and I know now that asking for help isn't something that I should ever do again because asking for help only ends in more pain," he ranted as he finally faced me, tears running down his face like a waterfall. 

"It's the past now Mirodiya," I said as I started crying with him. I have always been a sensitive person, and me being just some background character is no painful, always portrayed to be weak or not relevant, but I wanted to be, I want to be able to help Mirodiya and everyone else that I love, and though I am not the main character in this life I still want to be relevant even if it is just by saying simple words. 

"The past hurts so bad," he said hugging me tighter. 

"The past teaches you many new thanks about your way in life, all those people that 'fought your battle' they weren't forced, they wanted to because you are an amazing person and you are worth anything to them, for someone like Todoroki, you are their whole world, he is willing to risk anything for your happiness as he already has. Remember that you are stronger now, you don't have to stand on the sidelines anymore. You have grown over the years of your life, you are big enough to do anything you want, to push beyond anything that may come between you and your happiness. So this time don't run alone, run with us by your side, you don't have to fight alone anymore," I said happily as I thought about everything we have been though. 

"I just feel like it is too much, and if I can't put a stop to everything then you all will eventually leave me," he sighed as his salty tears continued to fall. 

"If we leave then we aren't real friends to you, now are we?" I laughed lightly as his outrageous mind as if he doesn't know how great he is, thinking that we will leave him is absurd.

He giggled lightly before laying on one side of the bed facing the ceiling, and I do the same on the opposite of the bed. 

"We have been through so much, you more than I, sometimes it's hard for me to understand you, especially now that everything feels so different, I don't know anything about what you have been through in the months that you were gone, Midoriya please speak to me whenever thoughts like these provoke you, you know you can trust me, I'm always here for you," I ranted as I continued to look at the ceiling.

"Of course I know that, and believe me when all of this is over, Uraraka we have a lot to talk about," he laughed lightly as he let out a yawn. 

Hello~ as promised I updated twice, I'm actually enjoying the way this book is going, however it is coming to an end soon, and yes there will be more book :D with all this time I hope to give you all a test of what my work is all about :)  I enjoy all of your comments that often make me laugh and make my day :3 My birthday was on the 14th this month and going back to see my old writing through your comments is so nice, I enjoy getting to see the way I wrote in the beginning to now. I always believed this book was actually really bad but in a way, I can finally understand why you all enjoy it :D so thank you for everything! 

Also if you spot any mistakes or anything please don't be afraid to say something, I still have lots of editing to do. 

Stay safe and Healthy always <3

Second Mate 2| Tododeku {Alpha Todoroki x Omega Midoriya}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ