-1- Heavenly Embers

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"What are these tattoos on your neck?" Her outstretched hand caressed the dark markings on his neck. Emerald locked on ocean and amber, before both began to glow gold and burn and glitter. His skin ignited too under her light touch, the once black silhouette shining angelic light. Soon her own flesh was ablaze with heavenly embers, intricate patterns of inferno searing her porcelain with a tender agony. The holy blaze tore through her mind, rekindling her lost memories in an incandescent wave.

Suddenly, they were flung apart, her body crumpling and her eyes falling shut as the flames were extinguished. Jace caught her in his arms, a tear rolling down his cheek as he cradled her. "Clary?" He whispered softly. Lovingly, he buried his face in her neck and pulled her impossibly closer. "It's okay. I've got you."

He hauled himself upright and carried the unconscious girl in his arms, holding her protectively against his body. For a moment he just stared at her peaceful face. He looked at her like she was a complex puzzle, or some compelling piece of art with a hidden meaning he just couldn't quite grasp. His feet were uneasy beneath him. Why is this happening? He thought to himself, but he wasn't complaining. Hearing his name fall from her lips again was all he had desired for twelve months. Finally hearing it was like a song from an angel.

They travelled hastily through the streets of New York, Clary still passed out in Jace's firm hold. As they approached the institute, he paused only for a moment. This decision could make everything worse. I have to do this. Screw the angel. And he carried her inside.

"Medic! I need a medic!" His hoarse voice called desperately as he stumbled through the grand doors. Isabelle sprung around to face the direction from which her brothers voice beckoned. She saw his large frame standing at the entrance, clutching a red headed girl in his arms. "By the angel Jace! What did you do?" She yelled as the ran to him. Some doctors rolled a gurney over and he laid Clary carefully upon it. "I didn't do anything, Izzy!" He defended. "Then what happened?"
"I was at her art show..." Izzy shot him a disapproving look. "And she saw through my glamour. I ran away, I was scared. She followed me. She asked if she knew me. I told her she was mistaken but then she remembered my name. She said my name Iz," Izzy gave him a sad smile. She observed the pain and hope etched in his face. "She touched the rune on my neck and... my runes all lit up, like all at once. It burned. And then hers lit up too. Our eyes were glowing. Then she collapsed. I swear I don't know why this is happening." He got serious with the last part. The last thing he needed was to be accused of interfering with the angels punishment. "I believe you." And he sighed in relief.

Jace followed as they wheeled Clary to the infirmary. He tried to go into the treatment room with her, but they wouldn't let him, no matter how many people he threatened. Instead he watched from the window as they hooked her up to machines and drew blood. When she was stable, the doctors let him in to sit with her. He held her small hand in his and prayed to the angel to have mercy on her. Please. He pleaded. I love her.

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I'll love you then too.  -Clace-  shadowhunters, the mortal instruments Where stories live. Discover now