-5- Heavenly angel

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Gonna try a pov chapter, tell me what you think.


My eyes fluttered open and were instantly assaulted by a beam of blinding light, causing me to squint them shut and groan. Then, I felt the weight of heavy arms wrapped around me, smelt the familiar mix of lemon and something metallic, and pressed my back into the warmth of Jace's body behind me.
I could hardly remember the previous night - I knew it began at the art show, and I remembered feeling happy- but the details were fuzzy. It was only when I turned over to look at Jace that it all came flooding back. Seeing Jace at the gallery, feeling strangely attracted to him, following him outside, touching his neck. Then all I could remember was the heat. It had been searing hot suddenly, and my skin had been burning. Then the light. And the memories. I remembered the talk with the angel, and waking up to Jace waiting for me. And then my friends. Then nothing until i woke up.
Looking at Jace's face now, it was like i had never been gone. He looked the same, except the shadows under his eyes were darker. He looked so peaceful like this, eyes closed, lips parted slightly, his guard was completely down as it always had been with me. I suddenly realised how long it had been since I had kissed him. When was the last time? The wedding. As I had stood there crying and lying to him. I couldn't bear the thought of that being the last time I had kissed him for another second. I reached out a pale shaking hand and pushed some of his soft golden hair out of his face, before running my fingers over his cheek and letting my hand rest on his neck. "Jace." I whispered. And again, a little louder. He started to stir. And as he did he pulled he closer to him, so this our bodies were pressed together, my face barely inches from his. His eyes opened slowly and locked on mine. I had forgotten how bright his eyes looked in the daylight, like they were glowing. He smiled, and his lips started to form words, but before he could speak them, I pressed my lips to his.
It's hard to describe the feeling of finally having the thing that's been kept from you for so long. Kissing Jace was like breathing again, like for that last year id been suffocating and now I could finally breath again. I pressed myself closer to him and he dragged his arms up from around waist and placed then on my face. I pressed one hand into his chest, and the other gripped his arm as though letting go would be letting him slip away. He pushed me down on the bed so that I was under him, and propped himself up with his elbows either side of my head, but never broke the kiss. Eventually I needed air, and pulled away only enough that I could breath again, but oxygen couldn't satisfy me, and every second his lips weren't on mine i felt as though I was drowning. We kissed again, and we kissed for a long time. That forceful, passionate kind of kiss where you can't think or hear, only feel their body against yours. I could feel his hands on me, and it was like I had been numb for months and I could finally feel again, and his skin was fire on mine. He traced the patterns of runes onto my skin with his calloused fingers. He touched my face so softly, as if I was a delicate and precious thing he dared not be rough with lest it break and shatter his heart along with it. He kissed me more gently now, in a way that told me he loved me better than any words ever could. He whispered in my ear, and I heard less the words and more the soft sound of his voice, so familiar, like home. We didn't stop kissing until we were both exhausted and swollen-lipped and gasping for air. Jace collapsed beside me and pulled me onto his chest. I settled onto him. I finally felt as though I was home.

Jace pov
I lay there with Clary on top of me, holding her so that she could never be taken away. I stared at her, memorising the contours off her porcelain face. It was a while before either of us spoke, and it was clary who broke the comfortable silence.
"Jace." Was all she said, but it was like gold to me. Hearing her say my name would never get old. "Yeah?"
"Do you- you didn't... it's okay if you.." she struggled with the words, as though her mouth wouldn't let her say what she was thinking. "What?" I whisper softly " what's wrong? Take your time."
"Did you... it's okay if you moved on while I was gone. I know it's been a long time, even though for me it feels like nothing at all, so don't feel like you owe me anything. It's okay if you..." I cut her off with an alarmingly loud exclamation "are you insane? Clary what do you mean if I moved on? You were all i thought about, every second of every day. I couldn't stop thinking about you. You were all I wanted. You are all I want. There is nothing else..." I rambled. "Everyone kept telling me I should move on. They all did. Or they tried. But I couldn't. I couldn't stay away. I followed you around, I made sure you were safe, I drifted away from Alec and Izzy. I couldn't live without you. I never gave up. I prayed every day and night that the angel would have mercy. On you. On me. I just wanted you back. I was going to try to get myself deruned. Just to be with you. No clary. I didn't move on. I'm yours. I always have been and I always will be. Remember what I promised you? I'll love you until I die, and-.."
"And if there's a life after that, I'll love you then too. And I promised you that our love would never die. And it won't. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. We're here now. Together."

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