-3- Heavenly Reunion

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It must have been mere minutes they were lying there; it felt like forever. A familiar warmth radiated from the golden boy, and the scent of Clary's perfume filled his lungs. They lay in perfect harmony, until a loud freaking broke the silence like fragile glass.

"Jace?" Said Izzy, who looked sadly at her brother curled up on the infirmary bed with his love in his arms. "Iz! Look! She's awake!" He beamed in pure joy, as Izzy watched clary's head shoot up and her emerald eyes met her own. She let out a small gasp, as though she hadn't believed clary had been real. "Izzy!" The redhead is a exclaimed. "By the angel! Clary! You're really here?" She said in half excitement half disbelief. "Yep. And I'm here to stay."

Moments later, as if Isabelle had developed superhuman speed, the raven haired girl had flung herself toward the bed and enveloped her brother and her best friend in a tearful hug. When she pulled away, she wiped her face and suddenly had a serious look on her face. She looks like Maryse. Jace thought.

"Clary. The angel took your powers and your memory. What are you doing here? Why are your runes back? What's going on?" She rambled. "Slow down Iz. One question at a time." Clary said slowly.
"Okay." Izzy took a moment to compose herself. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Clary stared into space for a moment, thinking carefully. When she finally landed on the right answer, her bright eyes darted up to meet Izzy's again.


Clary spent a few minutes explaining what the angel had said the Izzy and Jace, when suddenly two figures burst through the door in a flash of black and glitter. "We have arrived! Where is she?" Magnus announced dramatically to no one in particular. He didn't even look at the pile of hugs on the nearest bed. Trailing slightly behind him was Alec, dressed in a ripped but expensive sweater and the same old jeans he'd had for years.

The pair stood motionless for a moment, before Magnus' amber cat eyes landed in the roaring flame of familiar red curls. "Biscuit!" He practically screamed, and bounded forward like the cat he so resembled. Izzy shot up, and Clary braced for impact as the warlock threw himself at hat and wrapped her in his arms. "I missed you so much biscuit. So much. I always made sure you were safe. You were never alone." He whispered into her ear. "I know. I could feel you. The magic. I just didn't know it at the time."

Now, when clary thought back to this morning, she remembered it differently to before. Where before she had seen a plain brick wall on the side of her Brooklyn apartment, she now remembered it covered in swirling runes and a faint glittering blue of warlock wards.

Magnus pulled away, and everyone looked expectingly at Alec. At first he stayed very still, having now moved from his place by the door. He looked at clary with no emotion in his glowing blue eyes. Is he not happy to see me?
Suddenly, there was a flash on black across the room and before anyone knew what was happening, they say clary wrapped protectively in Alec's arms. She held onto him, and soon felt wet spots on her shoulder. He's crying. "I'm so sorry clary. I should have fought harder for you. I'm sorry. I gave up. I moved on and I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible friend. I missed you so much." He whispered so quietly only she could hear. "It's okay. It's okay." Clary whispered back.


They stayed there a while, four friends reunited with their missing piece. It felt right again. Almost right.

There was another loud crash, this time breaking the joyful chat into curious silence. Luke and Simon sprinted through the door. At the same time, they yelled "clary!"

Her family was together again.

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