-6- Heavenly Weapon

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So I liked the POV chapter, so here's another. Hope you like it. I do r think this one is very good but I don't know how to write fight scenes or flirting so whatever. Ps. In the description of clary, can we all ignore the weird haircut clary has in the final scene? Like no. Just pretend she has her normal long curly hair, not bangs. Ok. That's it. -AJ.
I asked Jace if we couldn't just stay in bed all day, but he insisted we shouldn't. I suggested a date, and he said that he had another idea. I had expected something romantic or at least fun, so when he told me to put on workout clothes and join him in the training room.... I was less than enthused. I just lay there half on top of him groaning about how tired I was and how boring training was. I may have missed this life, but I did not miss training. "I'll make it fun. Promise. Have I ever broken a promise?" He said with one of those signature cocky grins that made me utterly mad. "You once promised you'd model so I could draw you, and you never did." I rebutted only half serious. "Well how bout this: we can train this morning, get lunch at Taki's and then you can draw me later? That work for you, Red?" He said into the back of my neck. "You can try that salad Maia named after you."
"Fine." I whined with a slight smile and dragged myself up and out of bed. Jace got up too, gave me a quick kiss on the head and said he was going to his room to get dressed.

I stared for a while into my closet, running my hands over the clothes inside. All black. I pulled out black leggings, a black bralette and a sheer black tank top. I pulled them on and took a look in the mirror. The dark clothes made my skin look shockingly pale, and my hair even brighter than normal on the canvas of black and white. I remembered the first time I wore shadowhunter gear. It had been Isabelle's, and therefore the pants had been too long and the top ill-fitting. Now, my own gear fit like a second skin, even if it has been a year. I looked like me.
I pulled my red hair up onto a pony tail and headed to the training room.

Jace pov.

After getting changed into black pants and a grey T-shirt, I lent on the ground by my bed and pulled out the large canvas bag from underneath. I pulled the zip across, pulled out the bundle of red fabric and walked to the training room.
When i got there, Clary was sitting in the middle of the room stretching. I lent against the door frame and watched her for a while, shamelessly staring. "Enjoying the view?" She asked sarcastically, startling me, and making me drop what I was holding in a clash of metal on the hard floor. I caught a glimpse of her cocky grin in one of the high mirrors as I picked them up.
When she saw what I was holding, Clary was on her feet so fast I barely saw, and before I could speak she was in front of me, but her eyes were fixed on what I was holding. My eyes were locked on her face, watching the slight changes in expression. Surprise. Sadness. Joy. Excitement. After a while she took a shaking hand and ran her fingers down the length of the the blade of her mothers kindjal. In the other hand I held the slightly larger one that belonged to her father. I had been keeping them in my room so that no one could touch them while she was gone.
I offer them to her so that she can take them by the handles. She does, and steps back, looking up to be with her eyes full of fire. A smile creeps along her face and mine too. I pull out my seraph blade and step forward, swinging the sword in her direction only to be blocked by two blades and the crash of metal. "Still got it huh?" I tease. Before I can react, clary swings for me and knocks my blade out of my hand. Man. Training with her is so hard. All i want to do is stare at her and tease her. That's when I feel my eyes start to burn, and I know what's happening. All I have to do is think of my agility rune before it glows gold and suddenly, with a graceful flip,  I'm inches away from clary and both weapons are knocked flying. "I prefer hand to hand anyway" I quip before growing a punch I know will miss. Clary ducks any way and charges toward me. I suppose she intended to knock me over, but I only stumble slightly and take the opportunity to kick her legs out from under her and send her flying to the floor, me following her until I land on top of her and have to hold myself up on my elbows so I don't crush her. We're both laughing and then we're both staring at each other. I can feel her breath on my face, warm and cool at the same time. Before either of us can stop ourselves, we're kissing. This time it's hungry, rough and hot. I missed this. Clary whimpers under me and it's all I can do not to take her clothes off right here and now. She takes my hand and guides it to her waist as if to say it's okay. You can touch me. I don't waste the opportunity, running my hands over her waist, her hips, her thighs and finally placing them on her face to hold her closer. That's all I want. Closer. More. I pull her with me as o roll over so that she's on top of me, her legs either side of my hip and she lets out a soft sound of approval. Or desperation. Or both.
Just then, the creaking of the door and the click of heels followed by a fake gagging sound break us apart. "By the angel. I know she's just got back but don't you two have any boundaries? This is a public place! Ugh my eyes!" Izzy exclaimed. I laughed and clary blushed, only making her hotter. "Well then? Are you just gonna sit there? Move it lovebirds! Get a room!" Izzy only half joked. Clary scrambled up, never meeting Isabelle's eyes and dashed out of the room, dragging me by the hand and leaving a cackling Izzy behind. "That was so embarrassing! I'm never training with you again!" Clary laughed.  I put on a fake pouty face. I just want her to keep laughing. And smiling.

I'll love you then too.  -Clace-  shadowhunters, the mortal instruments Where stories live. Discover now