Going In

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Beth, Katie, and Timmy probably heard me fall on the floor because they soon rushed into my room. "What was that thud!" They shouted when they came into my room. They soon saw me on the floor, mumbling to myself. "Jay...?" I hear Beth question. "I don't want to go!" I whined. They soon looked at Moose for answers. He soon explained what we need to do and they had the same exact reactions. We soon told our friends and told them our issue and they told our families what going on as well. We also told our teacher that we won't be able to go to school and we don't know how long we will be gone. She was mad, but she understood. We were packing phones, chargers, clothes, and all the other essentials. We walked through the door, but Baby Bull started to follow. I bend down on one knee and started to tell Baby Bull the bad news.

"Baby Bull, I'm sorry buddy but you can't come with us. It might be too dangerous." I wistfully. He soon mooed at me in anger trying to protest and show he's strength. "I know you can wrestle humans, but where we are going is a park full of animatronics, I don't want you to hurt yourself. I said dejectedly. He held his head low, but he understood the situation. I told him to go to my mom and we soon were off. I soon noticed what I said when I was talking with Baby Bull about the park. I guess Moose noticed and had the same question as well. "How did you know the park had animatronics in it?" He questioned. I was trying to find the answer myself, but every time I tried, I either came up blank or with a headache. "I-I don't know? I said puzzled. "Wait a minute are you telling me that we are going to a park based on a voice both of you guys heard?" Timmy asked. "Pretty much." We both said.

It took a couple of hours to drive to the park, but we finally have arrived at the park. As we walked in I felt a shiver go down my spine. It's like my body felt and have memories about this place that I don't have. I took a glance at Moose and I can tell he had the same exact thoughts as I. We now fully waked in to see a roller coaster entrance. We all grabbed carts and started the ride. We made it to the actual entrance to the park and a sense of deja vu hits me like an oil truck. "This place is too familiar to me but so foreign at the same time," I mumbled under my breath. I walked ahead to look around, but suddenly I was grabbed out of nowhere. I was trying to scream, but my mouth was covered before I could. 

Jaybull:  Fnaf World returns to Parkside (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now