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I woke up to being sore, but my memories still plague me. I tried to get up, but to only be pushed down by Crying Child's Dad. "Woah Jay, don't try to move. I'm still trying to make potions of healing to heal you and Moose wounds." He said. I got up anyways being a little wobbly on my feet. "It's okay Crying Child's Dad I've been through worse," I said hoarsely. He looked at me with worry and curiosity about what I had said. My first thought was to find Beth to make sure she was alright, after seeing all of my memories replay I was severely concerned about her more than every especially remembering on what we are facing. I finally found Beth. She was crying into Katie with her and Timmy comforting her. "Is Beth alright?" I said anxiously. They all turned my directions with a look of happiness on their faces. "JAY!" They screeched while running and hugging me with full force. I hugged them back even though their hugs hurt. Spring Bonnie soon walked in and rushed to me pulling the others off. "What were you thinking letting them hug you that tight. You are still critically injured, you shouldn't even be walking around." She said motherly. "Did you heal Moose already?" I asked before she could heal me. "Toy Chica is healing him at the moment. Now let me heal you already!" She demanded.

After a couple of her heals I was feeling just like my old self again. I honestly felt younger. "I'm guessing since you and Moose aren't freaking out as you did before that you remember everything." She said calmly as she looked into my eyes. "Yes, I remember that Moose is my adoptive big brother and we have been through many fnaf things before. I also know that bringing Beth, Timmy, and Katie is a huge mistake, but knowing Virtual Freddy he already shut down the power to let everyone escape." I said calmly. They looked at me with widened eyes. "What do you mean we shouldn't be here," Timmy questioned. I went up to him to whisper in his ear. "Remember when we went back in time to save Katie, Beth and, Billy," I said. He nodded his head. "Let's just say there will be a lot more casualties and a full-on war will ensue and there will be no escaping," I said calmly. I backed away from his ear to only give me a wide eye stare with fear in worry in his eyes. Moose walked in the room yelling it burns as Golden Freddy was throwing salt shakers at him and Moose throwing moose milk back. The others looking at them with a weird look. "Welcome back bro," I said while slinging my arm over his shoulder. "Yea, welcome back to this place," Moose said.

Later in the day while I was trying to catch up with Moose and some of the animatronics when Crying Child told everyone to come to the back. When we walked in we saw how much had changed. There were advanced computers, a lot more room for potions and a lot more room in general. The only thing that I didn't recognize is the two weird-looking machines. "Um..what are those things?" Moose asked. I stared at it and I could already tell what's going to happen. "You want to check our memories I'm guessing," I said blankly. Everyone stared at me, but I continued to look at the two machines. "Yes, that is exactly what it is." Crying Child's Dad said.

"But the only problem is that you will have to relive your memories as we look at them." Crying Child said. I flinched at that part and I could tell everyone saw. "What are we doing this for exactly?" Moose asked. It seems even he was hesitant about the situation. "Well, we have to see if you got all of your memories. The machine will tell us if it's a false memory." Crying Child explained. I let out a sigh and headed to the machines. "Let's get this over with I guess," I said bluntly. Moose nodded his head in agreement and walked with me toward the machines. Crying Child and his dad followed hooking us into the machine. As soon as we were hooked in, we were knocked out just as fast.

Beth (P.O.V)

I was looking at the two giant screens above the machines that came from the ceiling. I was, of course, looking at Jay's to wondering why he flinched and to see why he was in so much pain. It seemed to start when he was 3. He was walking with his parents. They were in a store and he was walking beside his parents. It looked like he was holding a cow plush in one hand a sheet of paper in another. He kept checking it and was looking around the shelves. I'm guessing it was a grocery list that his parents gave him to keep up with. A couple of minutes later it seemed to be lagging behind and his parents were walking off and talking. He grabbed an item from the shelf and started running to catch up with his parents. He was soon gripped from behind with a hand over his mouth to muffle any scream that could come out dropping the sheet and passing out.

The screen turned black and soon turned back on again, but this time at an orphanage doorstep. When he woke he saw his new surroundings and was crying on the doorstep. The orphanage owner came to the door and picked him up and brought him inside. When he was done crying, he looked at the lady with round brown scared and curious eyes. "Where am I?" He questioned. "Oh, sweety your in an orphanage in America" The orphanage owner answered. I'm guessing she could tell he wasn't from here by the accent. "Now how did you get here may I ask?" She said. Jay started to tear up but trying to hold back his sobs to explain. "I-I w-was t-taken f-from m-mommy and daddy. A-and w-when I-I w-woke up I w-was here" he choked. She looked shocked and soon put him down. She walked over to a phone and started dialing a number and started talking. Thirty minutes later the police were at the door. She opened the door and explained what Jay had told her. One of the policemen gazed at Jay and soon walked over to him. He bent down so he could be at his height to talk to him. "So young man were you telling the nice lady over there that you were kidnapped. "Ywes swir," Jay said. "I was s-shopping with m-mommy and d-daddy in Australia and t-then I was where," Jay said. "Well, you are going to have to stay here then." The officer said.

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