Recovering and Planning

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His eyes were dead and dark. He looked like he was stuck in his mind. I slowly crawled up to him in shock of what's happening. Everyone else started to creep closer while I tried to check on Jay. "Jay, can you hear me?" I asked concerned. His head lowered for some reason, I was even more uneasy than before. I started to back away when he suddenly raised his head. His eyes were filled with life once more and curiosity. He was probably wondering why everyone was slowly backing away. I had a worry, but joy in my brown orbs.

Jay (P.O.V)

"What? Did I do something weird?" I questioned. I was looking through my memories and I knew they were real, nothing seemed out of place and nothing seemed to feel foreign to me. "Well, um bro...your eyes just went dark and dull. What was that about?" Moose asked. I tilted my head in confusion and then I realized it was probably because of me looking through my memories. "I was thinking of something..." I said simply. They stared at me for a minute. I couldn't tell why though, but as soon as they stared they had started talking about a plan. "Well, we are going to have to defeat Virtual-Freddy somehow again." Crying Child Dad's said. "We are going to have to do it more efficiently and if he has a different plan then we have to figure out his strategy. He will most likely have different bases and different clones. It will take him a while to upgrade them and we don't even know he still has the information again to create them again. It will take a while to find the bases again and we will have to work on not sleeping a lot again and working up our stamina again and we have to find weapons again..." I mumbled under my breath. I wasn't even noticing what I was doing until someone shook me, to make me snap out of whatever I was doing. "Jay! You're going too far ahead of everyone! CHILL!" Timmy said. "What are you talking abo-....oh.." I blushed embarrassment. Everyone giggled, but then got serious once again. "Jay may have been mumbling to himself, but everything he said is true. We will have to most likely have to come with a different plan and we will have to search all over again for the bases." Crying Child stated. "I would be surprised by how much of a strategist you are if I didn't see your memories. Looks like Moose has to work off the cobwebs huh?" Crying Child's Dad said laughing. "Ha Ha very funny, anyways I was either thinking of checking the old bases of his to see we could tell anything if they weren't too destroyed from the explosion," Moose explained. "That's also a good idea, even if they were destroyed there could be something there and the cameras are destroyed so you can be less careful on your first day back. Crying Child said. "That would be great for tomorrow, but I think Moose and Jay should rest after what just happened." Crying Child Dad suggested. I was pretty tired and I don't think after remembering all of that I would be in the right mindset. It could take a while, but we don't have that much time.....

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