l i t t l e

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her memories faded as the ages passed

only the bad she remembers but twisted they feel

how to understand what is true through what we see

blind she became but never lost sight of hope

the good could not compare to the bad on a scale

home had stopped being home for long

a bed she reaches where her worries don't dream

endless nights passed but the scorned sun could not shine

her identity began to perplex

closed she locked the demons and howled for the beast

loneliness crept under the sheets

it's foulness began to spread

her guardian Artemis had not appeared

the trials she faced she failed yet continued

her heart fading dark but growing light

the labyrinth began to gnaw at her soul

the love she once felt disappeared into thin air

the whip of the disappointment etched deep into her universe

happiness was a lie and she began to see the world through their eyes

until she reached to the heavens and begged

begged for a light and Apollo arrived

his chariot ride across the sky and Hestia comforted her with fire

warmth began to replace her wounds and strength she began to find

but the darkness still bound to her veins as sanctuary

she felt torn in the middle by the dawns edge

but so little she was she grew ever more

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