m u t e

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Etched into the mirror the hour glass ran
Grains pounding heavily against her essence
The loud thumping overwhelmed the peace
Why keep running when there's nowhere to hide
All too stubborn she was to face the feather
Burdens that stung harder when the wind howled
It's cries echoed across the terrain
The sand began to crystallize so sharply it sliced
Her feet numb yet stubborn was her plight
She feared heavily to tred into the light
The darkness followed heavily behind like a hunter
Escape seemed impossible but inevitable
Heavy was her chest but a prayer was whispered into the night
If there was a savior will he come rescue her from the demons that prey on her pain
Will a hand appear to help her cross the rivers of the abyss into the meadows
How much longer can she take until she reaches her journeys end
Before her soul gives in and fails

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