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"A pottery class?" Patton questioned, looking towards Roman. He was perched atop of Patton's kitchen counter, swinging his legs and watching as Patton made himself a mug of hot chocolate.

"Yeah! I saw an ad for it earlier and it looked like fun! I think we should do it." Roman said, grinning down at Patton. Patton tapped his chin with a finger, frowning.

"I dunno, Roman... I'm not really the super artsy type. I couldn't draw to save my life!"

Roman's response was a pout in Patton's direction, clasping his hands and staring pleadingly at his friend. "Please Pat? You'll have fun! They'll teach us what to do, so everyone's learning together. Even if you aren't perfect at it you'll have a good time, I'm sure of it!"

Patton frowned as he saw Roman's pout, taking a sip from his now finished hot chocolate and pointedly staring into the swirl of whipped cream that rested on a sea of warm drink. Patton had perfected giving people the puppy dog eyes(not quite on purpose), but he certainly hadn't mastered saying no to them on other people. He didn't even have to look before he knew he was going to give in, though. He couldn't say no to Roman ever, and especially not over something he looked so excited to try. Patton knew he would have a good time even if he wasn't any good because it would be a day he got to spend with Roman.

"Okay, okay." Patton said as he lowered his mug, sighing and smiling. "We can go."

Roman punched the air, grinning wide. "Yes! I've always wanted to go to one."

Patton watched Roman's excitement quietly, taking another sip from his mug and never losing his smile. Roman looked back at Patton as he pulled back from his drink again, staring at him for a moment. His grin softened into an endeared smile, and he gestured for Patton to step closer to him. "C'mere."

Patton's smile slipped a little, confused but obliging. He stepped closer to where Roman was sat on the counter, getting closer as Roman told him to until he stood between Roman's legs, his face a few inches from Roman's chest, tilting his head up to meet his eyes. His cheeks were red, still unsure of why Roman wanted him so close. "What is it?"

Roman didn't say anything, leaning forward the slightest bit so his face was closer to Patton's. Patton felt his breath being sucked from his lungs, heart picking up its pace as Roman's hand came up to touch his cheek. There was no way Roman was about to kiss him, right? He couldn't possibly get his hopes up for that, but what else could he be doing?

Patton's brain seemed to short circuit when Roman's thumb brushed against his cheek, swiping over his nose before he drew back from Patton entirely. Roman was still smiling widely at him as Patton stumbled backwards a bit, still staring wide eyed at his friend.

"Wh-What was that about?" Patton questioned, hand coming up to touch his own burning cheek. He frowned as he heard Roman laugh.

"You had a bit of whipped cream on your nose is all. I was trying to help you get it off."

"O-Oh." Patton said, blinking slowly. "Well, thanks, I guess."

"What are friends for?" Roman said, sliding off of the counter and onto his feet, bouncing excitedly. "Now come on! Finish your drink so we can go!"

Patton watched him head into his living room, standing behind for a moment. He shook his head slowly, both at himself for considering the idea of Roman kissing him, and at his friends antics. He just hoped pottery class would be fun.


Pottery class definitely ended up being... an adventure.

The instructor, a short young lady with bright eyes and a cheery smile, tried her best to help out everyone. She had a very large class of people today however, which made getting to everyone a bit harder. Patton and Roman happened to find themselves towards the back of the class, and were likely the last ones going to be receiving help that day.

"Just watch, I'm gonna be the best at this." Roman said proudly as they got started, wheels coming to life. Roman got started on his, starting off with a decent speed and getting to work with molding.

"I'm sure you'll do great!" Patton smiled and followed after him, wheel turning much slower than Roman's was. They were both trying to make the same things, a simple mug that they would trade once they had finished them as a gift to each other. Patton really hoped he could make one good enough for Roman.

"Oh hey, look!" Roman said after a small time of quiet working. Patton looked his way, seeing Roman's wheel gradually speeding up. "I can make it faster."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Roman?" Patton asked, eyeing it as it continued to pick up speed.

"Oh, c'mon, what's the worst that could happen?" Roman asked, stepping back and watching as his mug spun around with the wheel quickly. A second later his question was answered as the mug he was working on was suddenly flying off of the wheel, thrown right towards Patton beside of him. The mug hit Patton's shoulder and back, earning a yelp from the startled man. Roman's eyes went wide, stepping closer to Patton to check on him. "Oh goodness, are you alright Patton? I'm so sorry, and oh my gosh, your sweater!"

Patton stood in silence for a moment, his brain a little slow in catching up with what just took place. After a few moments a small smile split across his face, slowly growing in size as a few chuckles escaped him. Then he was suddenly doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach. His laughter soon caught the attention of the rest of their class, causing people to look back at them and see the chaos that had been caused. Roman was laughing with him soon, still trying to help him clean up the remainder of what once was beginning to look like a mug.

"Oh dear," the instructor said from the front of the class, her short brown curls bouncing as he hurried to make it back to the two of them to assist them in cleaning up and getting Roman new materials for another mug. "I'm so sorry guys, that was my fault! I forgot to warn you all, don't spin your wheels too fast or... well, this will happen. Are you alright, sir?"

"Yes, I'm okay! Was just a little startled, I didn't expect to be attacked by pottery today." Patton assured, smiling at the instructor and the still worried Roman behind her. The instructor smiled again, helping them out and then heading back to the front of the class.

"Remember guys, don't go too fast!" She reminded once more before the class was moving on, going back to their own wheels. Patton was going back to working on his own before he was interrupted by Roman looking over at him, frown on his face.

"I'm still really sorry about your jacket, Pat." Roman apologized, looking worried. Patton waved him off with a smile, going back to work.

"It's no big deal, I promise. You didn't know that would happen! I'm just glad it wasn't my cat hoodie that Logan got for me." Patton laughed off the incident easily, so Roman followed his lead.

The rest of their pottery class wasn't quite as exciting as the beginning. It passed by without many more issues(aside from Patton having the opposite problem of Roman by not spinning his wheel fast enough to mold it), and not much later they had both actually managed to make mugs. They might not have been the best, and some parts were shaped a bit oddly, but they still looked like mugs, so the two considered it a success.

Now that the class was over the mugs were collected by the instructor, who informed them they were to come back again once they had finished in the kiln. The two left with a funny story to tell, and despite Patton being unsure if he would be any good at it he had ended up being really proud of his mug. They had yet another good day spent together, and they were excited to see the end results of their mugs.

Another thanks to Winchester_At_Heart who has actually been to a pottery class while I have not. She helped me a lot in figuring out what to actually write in this chapter lol. Sorry if anything's incorrect! I can't believe we're already on day 4. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. ^•^ take care, bye!-Bob

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