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The biting cold air hit Patton suddenly that morning in a rush as his blanket was stolen from him, leading to a startling awakening. He sat up quickly in his bed, gasping and patting his bedside table for his glasses frantically. As he was jamming the frames onto his face the laughter of Roman rang through the room, instantly making Patton relax as his eyes focused on his friend standing beside of him with his blankets in hand.

"Roman!" Patton shouted, hand resting over his heart. "You scared me!"

"Sorry Pat," Roman said through his laughter, setting the blankets back down on Patton's bed. "But look! There's so much snow outside this morning!"

Patton looked as he gestured towards the window, peering outside and confirming that the snow had not stopped falling the previous night. The powdery white had covered everything outside, the ground, cars, rooftops of houses. It was mostly untouched as when Patton checked the clock it was far too early for anyone to be up on a Saturday, leaving it perfectly fluffy looking. It was amazing.

"We said if it kept snowing then we'd go sledding! And well, it's perfect to go out in right now! So, I had to come and get you out of bed." Roman explained, rocking back and forth on his heels. He simply couldn't sit still waiting for Patton's response, too excited by the beautiful view outside and the fun that awaited them. "Won't you join me, Pat? Please?"

Roman folded his hands under his chin, pouting at Patton with wide eyes. Patton laughed at his friends antics, sliding his legs over the side of the bed and waving his away. "Okay, okay. Go wait for me, I've gotta put on warm clothes."

Roman grinned and punched the air, racing out of the room to let Patton get ready as Patton grinned behind him, shaking his head as he got out of bed. It was a good thing Patton was a morning person.


Soon enough the two were outside with the sleds Patton owned, standing at the bottom of the hill together. Roman turned to Patton with a mischievous grin and Patton already knew what he was thinking. "Wanna see who can go down the most times?"

Patton was already racing up the hill as he gave an affirmative response over his shoulder, laughing as Roman made a noise of shock and offense, chasing quickly after him. Patton was the first to go down the hill, but Roman was fast behind him. He did his best to race faster than Patton up the hill every time they went down, although it was very hard to run uphill on snow. They raced up and down and up and down over and over again until finally Patton and Roman both got to the top again and instead of getting on their sleds collapsed onto their backs in the snow, blowing out deep cloudy breaths.

"Why is that so tiring?" Patron asked after he had caught his breath a bit, turning his head to meet Roman's eyes. Roman did the same thing, shrugging his shoulders.

"I dunno. Who won though?"

"We went down the same amount of times before we both got tired." Patton answered, slowly moving his arms up and down as he realized he was in the perfect position to make a snow angel. "It's a tie."

Roman frowned, copying Patton beside of him in making a snow angel. "That sucks... Oh, I have a better idea!" Roman climbed up from the ground, turning to see his snow angel before going to help Patton up from where he was laying.

"What's the idea?" Patton asked, brushing off some of the wet and cold snow from his clothes. Roman didn't explain yet, instead pulling Patton onto his sled so the both of them could sled down together. Patton held onto his shoulders as they went down, chest pressed to his back, glad he had the cold to blame his rosy cheeks on this time. Only when they were down all the way did Roman start to explain himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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