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Warnings: brief mention of injuries to an animal, but the animal is perfectly fine and happy!!

To be honest if I don't know a lot about a thing I'm probably just going to go with what I've seen of it off of shows? So forgive me if it doesn't make any sense, I'm trying my best lol. Hope you like the chapter though! Also, sorry this is late. Had some things come up, hopefully I'll stick to schedule from now on! And it means two chapters for today, so I hope you like them!

"So, what's the plan for today?" Roman strode over to where Patton was getting out of his car, grin on his lips.

"Oh, hey Roman!" Patton waved awkwardly as he stepped out, frowning. "I actually forgot to mention, I uh... I don't actually have any Christmas related plans for today. I didn't really know if you'd want to tag along with me, so I meant to tell you ahead of time."

"Well, what're our plans?"

"Our..? I haven't even said what it is yet! How do you know you want to go?" Patton asked worriedly.

"Well, as long as you want me along I'm happy to come. I don't know how you haven't realized this yet but I just like hanging out with my best friend." Roman grinned wider, following when Patton beckoned him inside with him. "I don't mind what we're doing, it's just fun being around you Pat."

"O-oh," Patton muttered, hand covering his red cheeks as they went into his house. "That's very sweet of you, Roman. I love spending time with you too!"

"Who wouldn't?" Roman joked, making Patton shake his head affectionately. "But really, what've you got planned? I'd love to tag along if you'll have me."

"I'd love for you to come. I was planning to visit the animal shelter nearby, actually. I have some things I bought from their wishlist to donate to the animals." Patton explained, leading Roman into the kitchen where an assortment of pet beds, bowls, food, and toys sat on his table. "Mind helping me get it all to the car? I was hoping to leave here soon."

"Of course not," Roman said, already lifting what looked to be the heaviest item first, a bag of dog food, grunting as he lifted it from the table. "It's very nice of you to think of donating to the shelter."

"Thanks," Patton smiled, grabbing another thing from the table and leading the way back to his car again. "I'm really just trying to help in any way I can."


"Thanks," Roman said as Patton held the door open for him to bring the bag of pet food inside of the animal shelter doors, taking it where Patton had told him to.

"Hey, Patton!" The lady sat behind a desk called, doing a two finger salute in his direction. She was dressed up in a lot of black and wore a lot of piercings in her ears, as well as one on her nose and lip. She seemed to have a very dark demeanor and overall she didn't seem to be someone who would be friends with Patton, Roman thought. However he was friends with Virgil too, so maybe he shouldn't be so surprised at Patton's ability to bring out the best in everyone. "Who's this?"

"Hey Axel," Patton smiled warmly at her, waving. "This is my friend Roman! He decided to come with me today while I dropped off some stuff for the shelter and then went to see some of the animals."

"Oh, so you're the one Patton talks about all the time." Axel grinned a little wickedly, making Patton blush brightly and Roman raise an eyebrow in intrigue.

"Oh? You talk about me a lot, do you?" He looked towards Patton who refused to meet his eyes.

"I-I talk a lot about all of my friends.  Obviously other people are gonna hear about my best friend a lot too..." Patton tried to explain himself, turning back to the door. "Anyways I'm gonna keep bringing stuff in!"

The 12 Dates of Christmas (Thomas Sanders Royality Fanfiction) -DISCONTINUED- Where stories live. Discover now