Act 1, Scene 8

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Jared smiled, "I did it Sis! I got an A!"

Eliza felt the pride swell inside as she stared endearingly at her little brother. "That's amazing!" She squealed, happily hugging the boy.

"Jared." A voice called harshly.

The boy's smile vanished.

"Why isn't it an A+?" Her father growled as their mother nodded from behind her husband. Natasha cringing at the tone in the man's voice.

Natasha was quick to retreat into her room. Not wanting to get pulled into their father's wrath.

Jared swallowed, "I..."

"I'm waiting."

"I-I don't k-!"

"Don't stutter boy." Their mother scolded disapprovingly. "It makes you sound retarded. Stuttering is for the injured. Did you hit your head or something?"

Elizabeth's nose flared at the harsh words.

"Mom! Don't call him retarded! He's not!"

"I didn't call him retarded." Their mother narrowed her eyes warningly as she refuted calmly. " I said he sounded retarded. There's a difference."

"Please. We all know you implied it."

"Forget the stuttering." Their father slammed his hands on the table, standing up abruptly. "What's wrong with your mark?"

"I made a mistake." Jared said quietly, glancing to the floor.

"A mistake?" Their father repeated lowly. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Mistakes are fine...but if you're a surgeon and make a mistake? No..just no."

"Your father's right. It's alright to make mistakes...but not in this family. You're better than that. You're a Collins."

Eliza glared at her parents in disgust, then at her poor brother.

"Stop it! You make him feel stupid when he's not! Stop making him feel as though nothing he does is ever good enough!" Eliza seethed, "Jared is smart! Stop belittling him! Jared come with me..." she dragged her brother to her room, locking the door behind them.


"Don't say anything. Don't listen to them. They love you so much...they know you can do better." Eliza assured soothingly as she stared at her brother. Jared looked to be on the verge of tears.

"I'm stupid." He whispered.

"No. No you're not..."

"I'm in the gifted program at school." He said numbly, "I don't use my gifts do I? I'm not gifted...I'm an idiot. I'm not talented like you or smart like Nat..." He chuckled humourlessly. "I'm stupid and weird and..."

"Being gifted has nothing to do with it. You're smart. Gifted, not gifted. Girl or are amazing." Eliza hugged her brother. "Don't compare yourself to Nat and I. We're all different."

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