10 - Spain

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Louis followed Harry off of the ship, down to the beach line close by the harbor. Harry found it to be more suitable for training. It was better than fighting on the ship, cause the shore was more open than the deck, which enabled them to wield and flail their swords around. It also gave Harry the chance of keeping an eye on his ship. Just in case his crew came back earlier than expected.

They didn't talk the entire way, which left Harry sightly unsettled. He tried to keep hard his calm, hoping it would go unnoticed, but the memory of their kiss kept tugging at his heart. He knew it was his fault, cause he had initiated it, but he wasn't sure if he should bring it up or not. Maybe a light conversation would be easier to handle. So he attempted to spark some small talk.

,,Prepared to fight?"
And frankly, Louis had absolutely no problem going along with it.
,,Yes. Can't wait."
,,Hope you don't suck too much. I would love to have a challenge."
„Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you, if it was a challenge, considering that I haven't done this in years."
„That doesn't mean you'll win."
„Touché, but who knows."
Harry huffed out air at the stupid comment. ,,Oh yea, right. Don't be ridiculous."
But he was quick to notice Louis' subtle smile and he couldn't help but return it.
He wasn't serious about winning anyways. This was purley for training. And who knows, all things considered, he might very well be full of surprises.
„Let's get started then."

Harry pulled his sword from his belt of weapons, pointing it at his smaller, and still somewhat weaker opponent. He was ready to fight and so was Louis.
Soon after, they found themselves mid-battle.

It wasn't hard to notice that Harry had gotten better. Not sure if that was even possible, cause last time Louis fought him, he was already strong, but now he was also way faster and way more precise than back in the day. There was not even a chance for the smaller pirate to keep up. Especially not after years of no fighting whatsoever. He hadn't even touched a sword.
It was easy to say Harry won all rounds. But this was not a fight. This was training, so the two kept going. Over and over again, while Harry gave Louis tips on what to improve.
Louis tried his best. Really. But Harry, for many reasons, wasn't a match for him anymore. He had gotten too good.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a position where Harry had his sword pointed straight at Louis' heart, while the other sword laid a couple feet away. Not the first time Louis had gotten disarmed during his training.
,,You used to be a lot more of a challenge."
,,Well, I also used to be a pirate." He tried to sound like he wasn't bothered by Harry's continues chain of victories, while masking the fact that he was actually somewhat upset. Displeased with himself on how he lost every time. But he was eager to win. At least once. But so far, no luck.

,,One more try?" Louis asked as he went over to pick his sword back up, dusting it from the sand.
,,You've got stamina. Gotta give you that at least."
The compliment was like music to Louis' ears. It felt good coming from Harry, and it genuinely warmed Louis' heart.
,,Thank you."
,,But nonetheless, let's have a break first. You can try to improve later."
,,Ey. I'm doing much better now."
,,I know. Your cocky attitude is showing it."

Louis nudged Harry's arm playfully as the two walked to a more shadowy place. One where they wouldn't be in direct, warm sunlight. But it was still by the beach, close enough to the ship. Just in case.
The two sat down in the cover of some trees, where they were sure that the sun couldn't burn down on them anymore, than it already had. Louis sank onto the sand next to the captain, laying his sword in front of him.
,,You also don't look quite as terrible anymore." Harry added with a faint smile on his pink lips.
,,You're too kind to me today. Is there anything I need to worry about?" Louis was playing. He loved it. It's been his favorite thing to do with Harry, since the two were apparently closer again by now. Not as close as they used to be, but Louis didn't even think he would survive the first night on Styles' ship. Somehow, against all odds, he made it further than that, which could only be described as a miracle.
,,Why'd you think there would be anything to worry about? Can't I just point something out in the form of a compliment? Should I just be rude instead? Cause you've gotten lousy at fighting."
,,I haven't fought in over 2 years. I haven't even held a sword since then."
,,That shouldn't be an excuse for a pirate."
,,I'm not a pirate either!"
,,You're on a pirate ship, with a pirate crew, and you have a sword. If you still don't see yourself as a pirate, then you might as well know that you're on a damn good way to becoming one again."
,,You think so?"
There was barely any tone to Louis' question, but that was just cause he was in shock. He expected to get dragged some more by Styles. Definitely not to be showered in lovely words by the oh so cruel captain.

Louis scanned over Harry's features repeatedly, hoping to find a sign of sarcasm or anything like that, but Harry just turned his head to Louis and nodded slightly, which caused a ray of happiness to rush through Louis' body. Soon after, a big smile laid on his lips and a hint of blush on his cheeks.

,,Don't let it get to your head. You're still not a good pirate."
,,Oh shush! Don't ruin it."

Harry chuckled slightly, loving the little wrinkles by Louis' eyes while he smiled. And his soft skin which wasn't as pale anymore. Now that he had gotten some sun on him and some sleep, he looked way better. Harry couldn't even compare the image of how he found Louis on the island, to the one now. Fully sleep-deprived and alone.

Styles also couldn't compare how he treated Louis at the start to what he wanted to do to him now. Not in an inappropriate way. He just couldn't remember what had gotten into him at the pub.
Well, a lot of pretty much justifiable anger, after almost being left for dead with years of cruelty and violence following.
But why did he regret it all now? Was he being a fool?

Harry couldn't hide it from himself anymore. After having most of his burning questions answered by Tomlinson, making him able to piece the rest of the puzzle together by himself, he now knew what made him act like this. What tipped him over the edge sometimes and what caused his fury to fuel up every time it got too much to bare.
He just hated not having the answers. Not being in control.
The uncertainty of it all.

But now he had clarity from non-other than Louis himself. And everything was fine now. Louis still loved him. They had kissed and Harry couldn't continue to downplay and straight up ignore those weird feelings anymore. It maybe wasn't love, cause he still couldn't trust Louis, but he knew that things could go back to how they used to be if he wanted.

,,Maybe I should apologize for what happened back on the island by the pub. It was maybe a bit too much."
,,Honestly. You don't have to be sorry. I expected no other treatment from you and most of your anger was reasonable."
,,Yea, but I still overdid it. I should have listened to you first before I kicked you to the ground."
,,Maybe. But it doesn't matter now, cause in the end, you did listen and got a few answers."
Louis laid his hand on Harry's shoulder as a sign of sympathy and support. His breathing was calm and Harry could focus on his words and Louis' blissful figure. ,,Most importantly you got my apology, which was really all I wanted you to hear."

Harry nodded, quickly going over what he knew now. He even considered telling Louis about the night he laid awake in his bed, missing every part of the smaller one, as he remembered Louis laying next to him so many years ago. But he didn't lose a word about that. He didn't want to sound desperate or in love when saying how he missed every touch, every kiss and every 'I love you' the two had exchanged.
This was all in the past. Harry had to focus on the present.
,,I think I'll believe your apology. I considered it long enough now."

It felt like there was weight getting lifted off of Louis' shoulders. This was all he wanted. For Harry to forgive him.
,,I can't say I trust you though." Harry added honestly, which immediately caused Louis' new-found joy to perish after a quick second.
But it was fine. Trust could be rebuilt. It might take a while, but he would try and so far he had done nothing to disrespect Harry's trust. Louis was on a good way, besides the little rule breaking here and there.

,,I appreciate it." Louis smirked, earning an equally satisfied grin from the captain next to him.
What followed was a quiet moment with blue and green basically melting together, regardless of the surrounding distractions. Not the wind, nor the waves crushing onto shore could separate them.
Just Harry and Louis gazing at each other in the most profound way.
Till Louis took his hand off of Harry's shoulder and grabbed his sword instead.

,,Are you ready for another fight now. I wanna win at least one."
Harry wasn't quick to react and just stared at Louis a little longer, puzzled at how he disturbed the moment so effortlessly. But he got it eventually, cracked a smile and agreed to another fight.
So the two men went back to training, making their blades cling in an attempt to win.

A Pirate's Tale [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now