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Maudra Fara turned her head slightly to the side before recognition that the gelfling that stood before her was indeed not Seladon but her sister- the one who existed but was never really there. "Soraya." Said gelfling bowed her head, the corner of her lips piqued. "Are you here to escort the piece of the crown for your sister personally?" From behind Soraya, Gurjin whispered amongst his sister that they knew nothing of a crown. "Crown?" Soraya inquired, although the only way a shard of any crown was to make it to the clan Maudra's meant only one thing- Seladon was seeking out the throne. It was a coronation of sorts, when the previous All-Maudra steps down from the throne or in this case passed away then the successor will take each of the seven shards of the royal crown and send them off to the Maudra's of the seven gelfling clans- six if you don't count the one remaining piece that stays with the next in line.

When the other clan leaders receive the pieces then they will make the journey to the court of the successor and return the shard- pledging their loyalty to the All. Seladon was far beyond mad to initiate such a trial the day after their mother's death- a death she caused. Soraya tilted her head, eyes narrowed curiously. "Early this morning, the shards of the crown of All was sent out to each clan Maudra. By your reaction, I'm guessing you weren't aware." Fara leant forward and in her hand was a single piece of Soraya's beloved mother's crown. "No, I was not... Are you set to leave soon, Maudra Fara?"

"I will be departing after this discussion is over- and I do hope it will be soon." The Maudra of Stone-in-the-Wood was no softy- she was as hardened as a stone in wood and was far from being a push over. "We have come to send a message, to ignite a flame, to spread the truth." Soraya paused, looked to the source of light which hung from the ceiling. "For many trine, we the gelflings have been under the treacherous eye of the Skeksis. Bearing the weight of their laws, giving and giving with nothing in return- we the gelflings have succumbed to an order of utter deception-"

"Enough! I have heard this tale spun once before and I will not listen to the backwash-"

"What Rian has told you is true! All of it- we have seen it through his eyes, through his memories. The Skeksis have drawn gelfling blood with no remorse and are planning to do it again-"

"Rian? You rather listen to a murderer plagued by insanity for his own crimes than that of the lawful truth? Cease this- uprising while you still have the sense-"

Soraya clenched her fists. She was no childling, she would not bow her head in submission, she will not bite her tongue to save face. Their world was at the hands of the purest evil and it called out to it's children for help- and she will be damned if she didn't answer it's cries. "Maudra Fara, you dare turn your back on Thra? Mira is dead, Rian has been framed, the All-Maudra was killed, Captain Ordon sacrificed himself and yet you still turn a blind eye-"

"Paladin, escort them out. I've done with this nonsense." Maudra Fara rose from her seat, her blue eyes like ice as she watched the guards try and push the group out of her court. "Maudra Fara, please try and listen!" Kylan begged but his own attempt fell on deaf ears. "Remember who you serve! Who you pledge your loyalty to! The gelfling serve Thra- the Skeksis are not Thra!" Soraya struggled against the hands which shoved her farther and farther way from the Stonewood Maudra. "Gurjin and Naia, I will be informing Maudra Laesid of your whereabouts. Seems this madness has spread farther than we anticipated." Each word was like a candle blown out in the the darkness until none were left to scare away what lurked in the ebony cage. Gurjin scowled while Naia tried her best to keep her footing. "You are making a mistake!"

And a mistake she would seen come to realize.


"I think it would be best if we split up. Considering we've wasted two days and have gotten nowhere close to spreading the word- if we divide our time into seeking out more than one clan then the word will be spread farther." Kylan tugged at the strap of his satchel as he waited for any indication that his plan was stupid and he should just keep his trap shut but the thoughtful looks on the other's faces meant they took his idea into consideration. "Kylan is right, we should part ways and seek out the other clans- even if they turn us away much like Maudra Fara they will still hear the truth." Soraya gave an appreciative nod towards the song teller.

"Where are we even supposed to start?" Gurjin sighed, he was really getting tired of all this and it has only begun. "Sami Thicket isn't far from here- possibly a day and a half trek. I will go there and alert Maudra Mera. She will be easier to reason with."

"We will return home. Swamp of Sog is just past the Spriton Plains." Naia suggested in which Gurjin hummed in agreement. "Wait- that doesn't seem like much of splitting up." Gurjin remarked, scratching at the mass of dreadlocks on his head. "Oh well-"

"First we will visit the Sifa- I have a few friends there who can pass the word onto Maudra Ethri as well as provide us a place to bed." Soraya's friends as she deemed them were very well known especially amongst her sisters and mother. "Friends? I didn't know princesses had friends- oof!" And down came Naia's foot. Soraya neared the former castle guard till they were only a breath away, her hand coming to scoop up a single dreadlock. Gurjin froze- sure he was a big flirt and had gain a reputation of chasing after almost every girl he saw but having one this close... a princess of the Vapran, made sweat break out along his scalp. "Bold Gurjin, wasn't it?" Kylan and Naia exchanged a confused glance.


With a sardonic smile that made her look just as menacing as Seladon, Soraya tugged the lock in her hand downward just as hard as it would be to pull a rusted lever while her other hand came up to smack the side of his head. "More like Himbo Gurjin- now let us be on our way." Soraya released her victim and started off the way they entered. Gurjin groaned at the pain on both sides of his head while Naia came to unabashedly laugh right into his face. "One thing you should remember brother is that the Vapran princesses are not to be undermined."

"Yeah- Yeah." Gurjin followed after Kylan and Naia as they made their way to the edge of the Stonewood clan's territory. Soraya turned, with the small breeze flicking strands of her hair and the sunsetting against the canopies of the forest- the sight made Gurjin swallow. The princess smiled, small and regal.

No, the princesses of the Vapra are not one's to be undermined.


" Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away. "

-Elvis Presley


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